One main missing feature of Duplicati is the possibility to monitor multiple Duplicati instances in a central place. Moreover, Duplicati can only send one email after each backup run, but cannot send summarized backup information. fills this gap: It provides you a beautiful dashboard to monitor all your backups, and it sends you beautiful email reports that summarize your backup results.
It is a hosted service that is free of charge. If you like it and want to keep us going, then we’d appreciate a small donation.
Interested? Watch the introduction video:
You prefer a self-hosted solution? Have a look at DupReport. (Up to now, it is not a dashboard, only email reports.)
You can use this thread to provide feedback, ask for new features or report problems. I am planning to also use it to provide some news update the service.
We introduced a new feature that may be very useful to some of you: For each backup set, you can now define the link to the Duplicati webinterface. This way, the Duplicati webinterface is only one button click away from the monitoring dashboard:
This of course only works when the webinterface is accessible. If the webinterface is accessible over its external IP, but the IP is dynamic, you can use {IP} in the URL, which will get replaced with the IP that submitted the last backup report:
If our service makes your life easier, please consider donating. Your donation is needed to pay for our developing costs and hosting expenses. Thank you.
We just deployed a new feature:
It is now possible to restrict the backup sets that are included in the email reports that the service sends to a contact:
You can for example group your backup sets by department/customer and create one contact per department/customer that receives email reports only about this backup set group.
Loving the email reporting its very helpful, but I do have one small request.
Are we able to increase the contrast between a failed job and a successful job. I’m having trouble seeing the failed job in this screenshot. I’m slightly colour blind, but normally don’t have any trouble with green/red.
TL:DR Are we able to make the red on a failed job a bit darker?
Interesting, viewing this on a different screen, the red shows up more. So more of a device issue. but still would be nice if we could make the red box a bit darker please
@AndrewAUS: Thanks for this feedback. Making it darker may introduce new problems, as it decreases the contrast between text and background. This may not be a problem for you, but possibly other people out there… Also, there seem to be a lot of different forms of color-blindness looking at the simulators out there. To me, it seems hard to find colors that work well for all forms of color blindness and still look “nice” to “normal” people. Thus, I decided to highlight error and warning-cells with a dark border. This should be eye-catching for anyone, no matter whether colorblind or not.
Also note that we did not pick these colors. These are standard colors from Twitter’s bootstrap. This is an issue regarding this in the Twitter bootstrap repository (more issues linked in there):
The idea with the border originates from here (thanks a lot):
We currently receive about 7000 backup reports each day, so our database recently started growing a bit fast and the performance of the service suffered a bit form that. Its not like it is problematic, just that we need to think more about performance. That’s why we started to work on some performance improvements recently. As part of this, we archived the reports from 2017 and 2018. We have not decided yet whether we will make the archive accessible to you or remove it altogether.
So a general question to our users: Are you just interested in the reports of about 3 months back, or would you prefer to keep all reports?
I have just discovered the great Duplicati monitoring service and started using it yesterday. And already donated 10 €
My suggestion would be to run an database compress algorithm to aggregate the reports from the past. With aggregate I mean combine several reports to one by using average or max values for each field.
My suggestion would be the following times:
3 month back keep all Reports
3-6 month aggregate all reports of a day to one report
6-12 month aggregate all reports of a week to one report
older then 12 month aggregate all reports of a month to one report
The advantage is that the data base content would be reduced but without loosing information that can be used for displaying the graphs. As for the graphs the data needs to be combined never the less when displaying it over years.
Also you don’t delete the data and allow e.g. later usage in additional graphs like backup duration…
@oFeilner just noticed I did not reply yet. However, I read your suggestion and we consider it.
Somebody else just asked me whether there is a public roadmap. We keep track of issues in a local system, but our plans are no secrets of course. So here is the list of planned features:
Pagination: Option to change the number of items per page
Graph displaying the backup duration
User can select language
Sort backup sets
Delete your own account
delete old backup reports after x days
hide/toggle backup set groups
generate config-files to be imported in Duplicati
Filter / sort backup sets (reports?) based on backup status
Option to send (nice) backup reports by email for each backup run
Email backup reports contain a graph of the backup size
API for Monitoring systems like Icinga, Nagios, Zabbix
Reset a backup set (delete all reports associated with it)
Backup sets / reports: Display error/warning messages e.g. on hover
sharing backup-sets /groups with other users
E-mail report interval should be configurable
Disable E-Mail reports on weekends / Select weekdays on which reports are sent
Backupset: Option to ignore x missed backups
Charts: Link elements to filtered view
Ignore certain warnings / errors
Printable reports per group
API to access the data
Temporarily disable a backup set (e.g. in case machine is offline)
Disable the links in the email so they don’t go to a login page
Everybody feel free to comment on it, e.g. vote for your favorite feature.
A big Thank you! to everybody who donated so far. Your donations really keep the service up and alive. I hope donations will soon reach a level at which we can afford to spend more time improving the service.
Feature completed: Pagination: Option to change the number of items per page
It is now possible to change the number of rows displayed per page.
I guess those of you who are monitoring hundreds of backup sets greatly appreciate that you can now select the number of rows per page. Don’t forget to donate, if our work saves you some time. Thanks to everybody donating, you keep this service running.
We are now processing more than 8000 backup reports each day and are looking forward to see 1000 users registered soon.
Feature completed: Graph displaying the backup duration
On the page for a backup set, there is now a chart that shows the backup durations. So you can easily see when backups are taking longer and longer over time.
This had been proposed by @mr-flibble .Thanks for the proposal.
Anybody who can translate it into another language, please get in contact with me.
The language is initially chosen automatically depending on your browser settings. In your profile page, you can choose a different language if necessary.
If you find some text that could be improved in your language, please let me know.
Additionally, we spent a lot of time under the hood updating the frameworks and libraries used. If anything is broken, please let me know.
We hope our service makes your life easier. If this is the case, please consider a small donation.