Use empty space in Web-GUI

I mostly agree. It was kind of just to toss it out there trying to be creative with the design by knocking over some walls.

I’ve been having a lot of trouble reconciling the column idea into an actual useable implementation that actually feels like a step up from the existing layout. The existing layout works for me. I only have 2-4 backups on a system, which fits perfectly on all screens. But I could see it being tiresome for someone with more. Maybe this is partially addressed by allowing reordering of jobs?

I think the “block” model with some exposed information and a fold out page works well. However this may change once we start thinking about cramming more features in, like all the good ideas discussed on
Make status bar a link to backup - #5 by kees-z, adding queue information, and options for run now, queue next, queue next, etc.

I wish I had thought of that :confused: