Timespan to rebuild a database?

Not my words, but thanks for the smiley. You did take the better-proven path of a same-OS restore.
Changing source OS shows how it looks putting a Windows DB on Linux. Other way “should” work.

Don’t expect any special treatment for the NTFS ACL setup. There’s no mapping from Linux perms.
Based on the above test, it seemed like at least modification timestamps got set going in other way.

For only doing a Restore, you don’t even need to get more than a dummy job with right Destination.
Copy the database in and go, but take care not to do a backup or other destination-changing things.

I’m not sure I follow the situation. You got new large (?) server. Is small Debian one for initial restore?
Are you trying to make a way to get a few older files if needed from old maybe-damaged Destination?
Knowing the scale of your restore ambition might help explain my following confusion over the config.

Why would 8 GB be enough now if 64 GB wasn’t enough before. Was growth long-term or very fast?
Regardless, nobody’s going to be able to find it short-term even if explained, but it sounds pretty odd.
There’s also a chance that Windows behavior will differ because it’s using .NET Framework not mono.

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