While evaluating a Duplicati - Duplicati - (so, far I’m very impressed with it), I’ve noticed a small bug.
When I’ve created profile using advanced option “–alternate-destination-marker” and “–alternate-target-paths”, they are properly created and saved (verified by looking into exported profile .json file - they are there). But they disappeared from web gui if I choose to edit this profile again (and when saved, they disappeared from exported .json as well). So these advanced options in the “destination” area, existed as long as user doesn’t edit profile and does not save this profile again.
Thank you for the detailed message. I wasn’t able to reproduce the issue though. I created a new test backup job and set those two advanced options. I then re-edited the job and the two options were still present and configured. Saving the backup job again didn’t trigger the issue. Strange…
Which area was set in? For me, it works in the screen 5 Options, but gets “lost” in screen 2 destination.
Lost is not totally lost – using Commandline shows it attached at the end of Target URL string, similarly to how (I think) auth-user and auth-password may be. I couldn’t get Destination screen to show it again even if using the Backup Destination or Advanced Options three dot menus. And I didn’t test operation.
Maybe a workaround is to use Advanced Options on screen 5 instead of screen 2. Those seem to stay.
Yes, indeed. They “get lost” in the “destination” (2), but things are fine, if they are set in the “options” (5) (after re-editing profile, they stay there, they are displaying correctly).
The bug is still present in Setting alternate-destination-marker and alternate-target-paths in the Destination section (2) makes these options disappear upon subsequently editing the profile. Temporary workaround is setting these options in the Options section (5).