I exported a task I set up in my previous windows (Win8.1) installation and imported it into my new (win10) installation in windows Task Scheduler. It consists essentially of the command “C:\Program Files\Duplicati Client\duplicati_client_0.6.3_windows\duplicati_client.exe” with argument “run 26” to trigger a backup job (id=26) at logon.
This used to work fine, but I can’t get it to work in the new environment. I verified that all my backup jobs run as specified by their timer settings (as well as manually triggrered); Duplicati.GUI.TrayIcon.exe is up and running.
In Windows CLI I tried “>duplicati_client.exe list backups” and got “not logged in” as response, so I may be missing the point of logging into the duplicati server.
Unfortunately I don’t remember how I did this in my previous installation - thought that importing the task was all I needed. Could someone please help me refresh my memory what it takes to get the task running in Scheduler?
Thanks @Xavron for the links to the posts. Actually following ts678’s instructions here provides a working task. However I would prefer to reference the job rather by its ID so that the jobs triggered by Task Scheduler and the timer in the GUI are sure to stay in sync if I change the job setup in the GUI.
It can’t be difficult to set up the task with duplicati_client since I’m far from being experienced in such things and I managed to do it about 2 years ago
In between I found out how to login with duplicati_client and get a list of backup jobs, so I can identify their IDs. So theoretically it would take two commands 1) login 2) trigger job which I can put in a batch file. Then I need to know how to fire up the batch file (failed so far) and so on…
So in short: it did work somehow with just the “duplicati_client run ” command in task scheduler. I just don’t remember how I solved the problem with login. I also remember that a black cmd window briefly popped up when the task started and I got a glimpse of a message like “Token expired” and “logging in” - so something must have happened which goes beyond the setup in taskscheduler. Just can’t get my head around it…