Duplicati.WindowsService.exe Error

I’m trying to make Duplicati run without having to rely on the browser to be open, as this has caused me more of a problem, when running on the command line in Windows 7:

Duplicati.WindowsService.exe install --webservice-interface=loopback --log-retention=3M

I have the following errors:

Nombre de la aplicación con errores: Duplicati.WindowsService.exe, versión:, marca de tiempo: 0x00000000
Nombre del módulo con errores: KERNELBASE.dll, versión: 6.1.7601.23915, marca de tiempo: 0x59b94f2a
Código de excepción: 0xe0434352
Desplazamiento de errores: 0x000000000001a06d
Id. del proceso con errores: 0xb3c
Hora de inicio de la aplicación con errores: 0x01d34cd4763b4b59
Ruta de acceso de la aplicación con errores: C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2\Duplicati.WindowsService.exe
Ruta de acceso del módulo con errores: C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll
Id. del informe: b5194887-b8c7-11e7-ae3e-000c29b334ad

How can I solve this problem and configure the Duplicati service correctly?

Note: I use only one domain user on the windows 7 system, virtualized.

It sounds like you may be running into this issue:

This appears to have been resolved somewhere after version - have you considered updating to the more stable beta build or the latest canary version?

Also, you shouldn’t need to have the browser open for Duplicati to run, but you do need either the tray icon or the service (which it looks like you were trying to use).

According to the system I have installed the version

And only when the browser is opened will the backup processes scheduled to run on a daily basis

Should I configure something additional so that scheduled processes run without the browser being open?

How can I validate that the service is running?

My apologies - I guess I misinterpreted the version number from the error message.

I know that kernelbase.dll error message has in the past been associated with incorrect versions of files (like could happen during a failed Duplicati update). Can you look at the file properties for the following files and make sure they all match?

  • Duplicati.WindowsService.exe
  • Duplicati.GUI.TrayIcon.exe
  • Duplicati.CommandLine.exe

Here’s an example of how they look on my system with beta installed…

I’m not sure why that would be happening as the browser just connects to the underline server provided by either the Service or Tray Icon - either of which should run correctly scheduled jobs just fine without a browser being open.

You can check what’s running in a few ways including:

  • go to the “Processes” tab of the Task Manager (ctrl+shift+escape)
  • run tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq duplicati*" on the command line

You can check if a service is running in a few different ways:

  • run sc query Duplicati from the command line
  • go to the “Services” tab of the Task Manager (ctrl+shift+escape)
  • go to Services (Start menu, or services.msc command line, or “Services…” button from Task Manager “Services” tab)

What I have is the following and I have made the updates from the web console:

Regarding this, how can I properly update Duplicati?

The service does not appear, only the TrayIcon.


Thanks for the images - that’s very odd that you are seeing in the web browser but in the file properties.

The TrayIcon and service messages you show line up with mine (I’m running ONLY the TrayIcon).

So I guess the issues I’m seeing are:

  1. why isn’t the TrayIcon running scheduled backups as it should?
  2. why won’t the service install? (I tested your install command on my system and it worked just fine)
  3. why are versions numbers appearing out of sync? (might be part of the cause of 2)

It looks to me like you’re doing everything correctly, so I’m still not sure what’s going on. Unfortunately, that leaves me needing ask a few more questions:

  1. If the browser is open do backups run automatically or do you have to click the “run now” link to make them go?
  2. Can you confirm that in step 4 (Schedule) of editing your backup job the “Automatically run backups” box is checked?
  3. What sorts of entries do you see in the “Show Log…” page for your backup job?

Thank you very much for your cooperation
1.- If the browser is open do backups run automatically or do you have to click the “run now” link to make them go?
R: Backups run automatically just by opening the browser

2.- Can you confirm that in step 4 (Schedule) of editing your backup job the “Automatically run backups” box is checked?
R: In effect, it is marked, “Automatically execute backups”

3.- What sorts of entries do you see in the “Show Log…” page for your backup job?
R: Stored and Live
Live options are: Profiling, Information, Warning, Error

This may help:
System properties

backendgroups : {"std":{"ftp":null,"ssh":null,"webdav":null,"openstack":"OpenStack Object Storage / Swift","s3":"S3 Compatible","aftp":"FTP (Alternativa)"},"local":{"file":null},"prop":{"s3":null,"azure":null,"googledrive":null,"onedrive":null,"cloudfiles":null,"gcs":null,"openstack":null,"hubic":null,"amzcd":null,"b2":null,"mega":null,"box":null,"od4b":null,"mssp":null,"dropbox":null,"sia":null,"jottacloud":null}}
GroupTypes : ["Almacenamiento local","Protocolos estándar","Propietario","Otros"]
APIVersion : 1
PasswordPlaceholder : **********
ServerVersion :
ServerVersionName : -
ServerVersionType : Canary
BaseVersionName :
DefaultUpdateChannel : Canary
DefaultUsageReportLevel : Information
ServerTime : 2017-10-24T09:59:17.7555093-03:00
OSType : Windows
DirectorySeparator : \
PathSeparator : ;
CaseSensitiveFilesystem : false
MonoVersion : 
NewLine : 
CLRVersion : 4.0.30319.18063
CLROSInfo : {"Platform":"Win32NT","ServicePack":"Service Pack 1","Version":"6.1.7601.65536","VersionString":"Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1"}
ServerModules : []
UsingAlternateUpdateURLs : false
LogLevels : ["Profiling","Information","Warning","Error"]
SuppressDonationMessages : true
SpecialFolders : [{"ID":"%MY_DOCUMENTS%","Path":"C:\\Users\\duplicati\\Documents"},{"ID":"%MY_MUSIC%","Path":"C:\\Users\\duplicati\\Music"},{"ID":"%MY_PICTURES%","Path":"C:\\Users\\duplicati\\Pictures"},{"ID":"%MY_VIDEOS%","Path":"C:\\Users\\duplicati\\Videos"},{"ID":"%DESKTOP%","Path":"C:\\Users\\duplicati\\Desktop"},{"ID":"%APPDATA%","Path":"C:\\Users\\duplicati\\AppData\\Roaming"},{"ID":"%HOME%","Path":"C:\\Users\\duplicati"}]
BrowserLocale : {"Code":"es-CL","EnglishName":"Spanish (Chile)","DisplayName":"Español (Chile)"}
SupportedLocales : [{"Code":"da","EnglishName":"Danish","DisplayName":"dansk"},{"Code":"de","EnglishName":"German","DisplayName":"Deutsch"},{"Code":"en","EnglishName":"English","DisplayName":"English"},{"Code":"es","EnglishName":"Spanish","DisplayName":"español"},{"Code":"fi","EnglishName":"Finnish","DisplayName":"suomi"},{"Code":"fr","EnglishName":"French","DisplayName":"français"},{"Code":"it","EnglishName":"Italian","DisplayName":"italiano"},{"Code":"nl-NL","EnglishName":"Dutch (Netherlands)","DisplayName":"Nederlands (Nederland)"},{"Code":"pl","EnglishName":"Polish","DisplayName":"polski"},{"Code":"ru","EnglishName":"Russian","DisplayName":"???????"},{"Code":"zh-CN","EnglishName":"Chinese (Simplified, PRC)","DisplayName":"??(???????)"},{"Code":"zh-TW","EnglishName":"Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)","DisplayName":"??(??)"}]
BrowserLocaleSupported : true
 Módulos de respaldo: aftp 

Compression Modules: zip 

Encryption Modules: aes 

You’re welcome - thank you for your patience!

What command did you run to get that output? I’d like to see what I get for it on my system…

I entered the “About Duplicati” option and then “System Properties”

D’Oh! I should have recognized that. :smiley:

OK - I did a browser based update of a install to and I’m now seeing differing ServerVersion and BaseVersion, um, versions like in your information. I guess that means you’re initial install was but you’ve since updated.

I still don’t see anything about your setup that would make it not work correctly.

When you run the browser to let a backup start, do you log onto the computer JUST to run the browser - or are you always logged on?

I ask because the even though the TrayIcon will run backups without the browser, the TrayIcon itself usually only runs when a user logs in. So maybe the backups aren’t happening because nobody is logged in, then you log in which starts the TrayIcon (which then starts a backup), open the browser, and it appears that opening the browser is what started the backup.

If what you need is for backups to run even when nobody has logged onto the computer, then we are going to need to figure out why the service won’t start.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure what to tell you about that kernelbase.dll error. I can’t make it happen on my machine and I have not seen it before (other than in the article I linked above).

Other than waiting for somebody else who might have experienced it to offer some help all I can suggest is to export your backup jobs to files (just in case) and re-install Duplicati “from scratch”.

Oh, and just so you know the “Stored” and “Live” are options are under the main “Show Log” section (image) - I was asking about what’s in your backup’s “Show log…” section where you should see “General” and “Remote”:

But I think those won’t help us figure out why the service install isn’t working.

1.- I was able to activate the service in another machine where version is, how can I validate that this process runs automatically without having the browser open and without having to log in to the computer?

2.- If I try to uninstall duplicati completely should I also delete the local bases?

  1. I’d say the easiest way is to change a file that you know will be backed up, wait until the next scheduled backup should be complete, then log into your destination and see if there are any files with a timestamp newer than the backup run time.

  2. If you’re uninstalling with the intent to no longer use it, then yes - deleting the local databases is fine. However if you’re planning to re-install Duplicati then databases should allow the re-installed version to find all your settings from the old install.

If you are fully done using Duplicati and already have some backups made that you don’t want anymore, I’d suggest deleting the individual backup jobs before uninstalling Duplicati. This will give you the option to have Duplicati remove the archive files for you.

If you are fully done using Duplicati and already have some backups made that you don’t want anymore, I’d suggest deleting the individual backup jobs before uninstalling Duplicati. This will give you the option to have Duplicati remove the archive files for you.

this last one does not eliminate the backups that I have in the cloud?

When you go to delete a backup job there will be two checkboxes - one to remove local database files and the other to remove destination (cloud) archive files.

If they are both checked, then both local and remote files will be deleted.

If you’re unsure about it, it is safe to leave the archive files and manually delete them if you want to.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Cannot access network folder