Warning - No Certificates Found

Web research, probably including opening a browser to https://curl.haxx.se then seeing it redirect me.
After that, testing the old curl line, reading man curl, and seeing line doesn’t ask to handle a redirect.
I wrote up the findings earlier here.

I don’t understand. The path isn’t built-in, it’s supplied to the command, and you changed what you gave.

Nobody reported an issue. Would you like to report it? File it here. Unfortunately might have missed Beta.
The current Beta was released in January 2020. The release rates (and everything) are resource-limited.

It’s not so much the change as the entire release process takes planning, work, and phased testing. The “safer” changes like messages accumulate along with less safe changes, and all are tested as a bundle.

If you want the latest changes plus possible breakage, a Canary release is more frequent than the Beta.
Forum Releases category has the announcements. There’s a Canary release today. Beta may be soon. That post gives a view of how a phased release is done, rather cautiously, to avoid unwanted breakages.

Sometimes there’s not much of an installer. Some Linux OS can run a script. I’m not sure about macOS. There’s more of an installer than there used to be (thanks to Catalina security), but I’m not familiar with it.

Another view is mono should take of this, and application shouldn’t have to. Please see me quoting mono:

The final sentence is possibly the hole some people are falling into. The mono package comes in different subsets, somewhat described at Download, and not all have ca-certificates-mono. You can ask your OS whether you have that, although mono packaging may vary from OS to OS, so it’s hard to figure out…

I don’t have a Mac, but you can post everything you know about how you installed mono, and maybe some person familiar with the area can help here. Duplicati’s manual only talks about a .pkg file and Homebrew.
I suppose you could see if you have a cert-sync command on your system as part of your mono install…

Not exactly. Most systems have ways for an installation package to say what things it requires, so the OS can then get them. The end result is similar. On Linux, one possible improvement would be to require ca-certificates-mono be ensured available (which might solve the certificate issue, per mono document), however I don’t know why the Duplicati manual didn’t originally list that under its Prerequisites. Possibly it should, and the automated version of the prerequisites should also be made. Feel free to suggest this as an Issue which development can look into, as time permits. There’s more to do than volunteers to do it…


There’s an issue in today’s Canary that might cause a new one. A message fix is waiting to be accepted.

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