Warning - No Certificates Found

What does “cut off too soon mean”? Does it mean you wound up at

Look at cacert.pem file that you downloaded. If it looks like the below, try again with new URL it gave.

<title>301 Moved Permanently</title>
<h1>Moved Permanently</h1>
<p>The document has moved <a href="https://curl.se/ca/cacert.pem">here</a>.</p>
<address>Apache Server at curl.haxx.se Port 80</address>

My guess is that the world changed after Duplicati was released, but testing is needed to confirm fix.

The journey to a curl domain

Starting on November 4, 2020 curl.se is the new official home site for the curl project. The curl.haxx.se name will of course remain working for a long time more and I figure we can basically never shut it down as there are so many references to it spread out over the world. I intend to eventually provide redirects for most things from the old name to the new.

The problem with redirects is that curl doesn’t follow them unless the -L or --location option is given.
That can be tried instead of changing the original URL. Maybe as people try this, say which you used.

FAQ: Security from the Mono project shows how to check certificates without Duplicati, but also says:

(Recommended) Starting with Mono 3.12.0 a new tool called cert-sync is included which syncs Mono’s certificate store with the system certificate store. It should run automatically when you install the official Mono packages. Make sure the ca-certificates-mono package is installed.

so a question would be how you installed Mono. I can’t help much on directions, as I don’t have a Mac.

The Mono project references are probably referring to their own Download page. Maybe a third option.

Make sure that the mono you got or macOS gave is at least version 5 (soon 5.10) in mono --version.

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