Upload Throttle not working

Upload results posted above. Download results at 100 KByte/sec:

2020-06-03 18:21:09 -04 - [Information-Duplicati.Library.Main.BasicResults-BackendEvent]: Backend event: Get - Started: duplicati-b8572d4ae76034e8b8abfe4417ec35fa9.dblock.zip.aes (36.22 MB)
2020-06-03 18:27:26 -04 - [Profiling-Duplicati.Library.Main.BackendManager-DownloadSpeed]: Downloaded 36.22 MB in 00:06:17.0884884, 98.35 KB/s
2020-06-03 18:27:26 -04 - [Information-Duplicati.Library.Main.BasicResults-BackendEvent]: Backend event: Get - Completed: duplicati-b8572d4ae76034e8b8abfe4417ec35fa9.dblock.zip.aes (36.22 MB)

Google Drive
2020-06-03 14:42:51 -04 - [Information-Duplicati.Library.Main.BasicResults-BackendEvent]: Backend event: Get - Started: duplicati-bcb1775dde5a14746851f048ebbf987b9.dblock.zip.aes (22.77 MB)
2020-06-03 14:46:51 -04 - [Profiling-Duplicati.Library.Main.BackendManager-DownloadSpeed]: Downloaded 22.77 MB in 00:04:00.5378011, 96.92 KB/s
2020-06-03 14:46:51 -04 - [Information-Duplicati.Library.Main.BasicResults-BackendEvent]: Backend event: Get - Completed: duplicati-bcb1775dde5a14746851f048ebbf987b9.dblock.zip.aes (22.77 MB)

This was on, I believe, and confirms that the throttles control their correct direction.
There’s still a mystery about the new report, so I hope you can troubleshoot and figure out the problem.

sounded similar, so I linked here. I wrote some other evidence that upload throttling seems to often work.
There are no open issues with throttle in their title that sound like this. There’s one on throttle working when backup is to local folder, but you can use that to your advantage and create Steps to reproduce.