Unable to backup with ftp to NAS Since Upgrade to v2.1.0.2

As a long time satisfied user I manually upgraded today to v2.1.0.2 Beta upon request. Unfortunately I cannot backup with ftp anymore to my Synology NAS yet didn’t change my configuration files, NAS configuration, user name/pws, permissions, etc. When I approach the 3 Duplicati backup-directories on my NAS using the same configuration files with “Test connection” I get the message: “The folder Duplicati backup/Testbup does not exist. Create it now?”! The folders and Duplicati-zipfiles however still exist on the NAS as well as the Duplicati user. When starting the backup it says: “Found 2204 files that are missing from the remote storage, please run repair”; obvious because it doesn’t find the folder!

Did I miss an important clue when upgrading? What should/can I do? Kind Regards, Tom

The last status I heard on FTP was this from two days ago:

Possibly this one, which was a bug found and fixed after Beta release.

Fixed problem with FTP backend not unescaping special characters

If this is your situation, you can try renaming the folder to match Duplicati use.
Using latest Canary test release is more drastic. ETA of next Beta is unknown.

Since NAS is probably Linux, a symbolic link might make it work in either case.

Thanks for the prompt answer and clue:there was indeed a space in the name of the parent directory for the 3 backup folders on my NAS for 3 bup-jobs. I tested this with a small bup-job, which I already made in the beginning phase of Duplicati usage, and changed the parent directory name in DSM for my Synology NAS. Afterwards the connectiontest was succesfull, as well as the backup and restore process! I backedupped 2 new files and restored them afterwards, and I could also see now the previous backup versions for the earlier backupped location in 2024 and before!.
I believe you may close the call! Many thanks for your effort; Kind regards, Tom