The database has version 11 but the largest supported version is 10

First, make sure you’re on the service. Besides port 8200, you can also look over About → System info.
UserName is probably the easiest way to recognize a Windows service. Do you even also run TrayIcon?

Finding the reason would be good. Autoupdates that become corrupted are ignored, leaving you with the .msi install in C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2 which is an old version until you install new from .msi.

is where to look, but detecting corruptions may be a bit hard. Easy test is to sort by date. Any too new?

You coule rename the folder, autoupdate again, then compare them, e.g. do all folder statistics match?


Backup failed - Error in updater was a similar problem. There the corruption was caused by extra data.

I’m not sure where the message would appear. Maybe look in About → Show log → Stored for startup?

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