"Test Search Selection" tool as in Duplicati v1

Hello! Thank you for beutiful program and it would better if you add such useful thing as “Test Search Selection” - window, where I can see what’s files will be add and add some filters.

Do you planned this feature?

The code is there, but there is no real UI for it.

You can use the Commandline... UI and choose the TestFilters command, but it is not very user friendly.

Please note that for the moment you might be better off using the test-filters command in the actual CLI as I suspect there is a bug in the GUI version of it:

(Note that the bug MAY only happen if certain other parameters are in use, so it might work just fine for you…)

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work. I see error:
Starting - Running TestFilters
Running TestFilters took 00:00:00.000

Invalid path: “webdavs://webdav.yandex.ru/Archives?auth-username=foshjplnknf&auth-password=opiojnbfikbikbknn” (Illegal characters in path.)
Return code: 100

Username and password was changed but also have latin small letters.

I created dedicated support theme: GUI test-filters doesn't work

if you really want to use the command line version it would look something like this (at least on Windows):

"C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2\Duplicati.CommandLine.exe" test-filters C:\Users\TEMP\ --exclude=C:\Users\TEMP\AppData\Local\TileDataLayer\ --exclude=C:\Users\TEMP\SomethingElse

Where things break down like:

  • path to Duplicati command line executable
  • command to execute (test-filters)
  • path against which to test (C:\Users\TEMP)
  • one or more exclude or include filters (–exclude=C:\A_Folder\ --exclude=C:\A_file.txt)

Thank you. BTW, what’s difference between test-filter and test-filters? Is test-filter only for first filter?


C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2>Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help test-filter

Usage: test-filters []

Scans the source files and tests against the filters specified, the console
output shows which files and folders are examined and the result.

C:\Program Files\Duplicati 2>Duplicati.CommandLine.exe help test-filters

Usage: test-filters []

Scans the source files and tests against the filters specified, the console
output shows which files and folders are examined and the result.

No difference - I asked the same thing. :smiley:

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