Short Memory ?! (Disk full)

You can add parameters in either the GUI or terminal, whatever works best for you.

Setting parameters via GUI

In the GUI you would:

  1. edit your job
  2. go to step 5 (Options)
  3. scroll down a little bit and expand “Advanced options” section
  4. choose the options you want from the “Add advanced option” select list

Note: If you have a setting you want to apply to ALL jobs (such as email notifications or tempdir) you can use the “Add advanced option” selector under main menu “Settings” - > “Default options”.

Setting parameters via command line

Just add the parameters you want to your command line shortcut with a double dash “–” before each one and a space between them (use quotes for paths in case they include a space). In your case you could add something like the following:
<current parms> --asyncronous-upload-limit=2 --asyncronous-upload-folder="/tmp/DuplicatiUploads/" --tempdir="/tmp/DuplicatiTempdir"

Setting parameters via parameters file

If you have too many parameters to include in your shortcut or you’d prefer to be able to edit them in a text editor you can use the --parameters-file parameter as documented here.

Basically, just add the --parameters-file="\<path to file>" parameter to your shortcut then create a text file at "\<path to file>" with a single parameter per line.

In your case you’d end up with a file (let’s call it “/DuplicatiParms”) that would look something like this:


Note that in general parameter file values will OVERRIDE anything on the command line (or GUI) so if you have the same parameter in multiple places it will try to use use parameter file ELSE command line ELSE GUI ELSE defaults.

Oh, and one nice thing about parameter files is that you can include comments! Any line that does NOT start with “–” is ignored and considered a comment.