Schedule not running backups after starting the PC

Hi everyone. When I turn on the computer in the morning, the backups do not run, despite having missed a few instances over night. I have to open Duplicati for the backups to run. Any ideas?

Welcome to the forums sodbuster.

Sounds like Duplicati is not loading on start-up. What operating system are you using?

Windows 11, Home edition. I found instructions to run it as a service, and it is but no use. If I leave the computer on, it works. The issue is only after starting the computer.

Not sure which instructions you followed but I’d suggest this post on how to setup Duplicati as a service in Windows. I’ve also posted to that thread here regarding some of the side effects of moving to a service based install. Make sure all of your shortcuts to Duplicati have the --no-hosted-server switch.

Off the top if sounds like your Duplicati-server.sqlite database didn’t get migrated to the new service folder, so your jobs only exist in the tray server and only launch when the tray icon gets launched.

If you reboot and go directly to http://localhost/ngax/index.html (Don’t click any Duplicati icons) do you get a seemingly “new” copy of Duplicati with none of your previous settings? If so that is the server copy of Duplicati that’s running it just has no config. The above mentioned link should fix things up, if not ask away.

Can you clarify exactly what action that involves? It does need to be running before it can take backups. Having a browser-based GUI open should not matter. Can you post browser URL that the GUI is using? Typically you will see an 8200 in it (port 8200). If you’re on 8300, you might also have a service at 8200. Looking at Task Manager would be another way to see what Duplicati processes you actually got going.

It may have been my misunderstanding of how the software works, as I am new to it. I think it probably had something to do with the “Next Time” setting under scheduling. Regardless, It is working now, backing-up the laptop when I turn it on, and without opening the program.

Than you all for taking your time to help me out!

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