Restore shows Hash mismatch on file but files restored are OK

Anything else that the server can do (of course, avoid unencrypted FTP if the network is not secure).

Until then it’s just an assumption there was an issue with file write over SMB, but sometimes there is.

Thanks for the test. It sounds like maybe that helped a little? I’ve been trying to get somebody to test
directio on their SMB mount, but it looks like cache=none is (maybe) the current preferred method.

If you set upload-verification-file the destination should get a duplicati-verification.json file after every backup which describes expected file content. This is one place where you can get the expected size.

Expected hash is a little harder (it’s Base64 of the SHA-256 hash) but there are scripts that can verify.

How to verify duplicati-verification.json?

If you’re not set up for such testing, Duplicati can download and test all files with The TEST command which you could run from GUI Commandline if you like. It would be interesting if there’s a problem with contents of the file but the length test passes. You might need to look at the verification file to test size.