Restore logging error latest version. tested restore. Works okay, except get incorrect warning message:

Restored Files 0 (0 bytes) Restored Folders 5676 Restored Symlinks 0 Warnings 1

2023-06-01 11:31:44 -04 - [Warning-Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.RestoreHandler-NoFilesRestored]: Restore completed without errors but no files were restored

of files restored is mistakenly reported as # of folders.

Restore completed without errors but no files were restored explains things. How well might that fit?
One thing that’s odd is that it restored folders. How many files and folders are there in restore area?
With Windows File Explorer, right-click its folder and ask for Properties to get both in Contains line.

You misunderstand. The message is incorrect…It says 5676 folders were restored, when actually 5676 files were restored.

Please answer the question. How many folders and files were restored?

As a side note, problem was not reproducible, so let’s check numbers…