While it’s bad that finding the files to restore in the GUI is very flaky for you it’s good that the actual restore works.
I haven’t run into double backslashes before except when dealing with UNC shares - is your source a UNC share or do you have some unusual (at least to me) folder structure or symlinks/hardlinks on a local drive?
Stupid alphabet. Maybe if you change to Katakana you can get 46 drive letters.
I’m using and my GUI browse test of a restore from a backup with only UNC as source worked just fine. Does your backup have mixed drive letter & UNC sources or is it just drive UNC?
(BTW - I updated the topic title to reflect that this seems to be a UNC source related issue.)
I don’t have my Windows 7 box to test with anymore but I tried another test with two UNC references rather than one.
While I didn’t get your restore issue, I was able to get a Null Reference Error when trying to restore from the version of the backup with multiple UNC source paths. Versions with a single UNC source path work fine.
I tried it again and with “Duplicati Beta (” I get an Error “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”
Clicked ok, searched for Backslash, removed the Backslash from the search field, opened the path, marked everything and restored it => everything restored to local drive.
=> with the beta I get an error and the restore worked
=> with canary ( I do not get the Error Message but also need to search for something so see my files and the restore also worked
Using I was able to replicate your experience via:
do a backup of a source containing two different UNC paths (in my case the same share but with different case, e.g. \UNCTEST\TestDataA & \unctest\TestDataB)
go to restore and get a null object reference error and never-ending spinner on restore tree
enter “.” in the “Search for files” field and click the Search button
get the full tree of data to be restored BUT showing under tree of folder (no name) then folder () then folder () then share (UNCTEST)
Now that I’ve replicated the error I can hopefully look into fixing it. Until then, it’s good to know the restores worked correctly for you!
And if you remove the “.” from the search field (but do not press search, just remove the search value) you will get the folders and files and you will then also be able to restore them.