Query optimisation resulting in a significant performance improvement

I have been testing some Duplicati changes, consequently I’ve had the system running backups very frequently, but I’ve also noticed Duplicati slowing down. Duplicati got to the point where it had over 500 versions but it was taking around 15 minutes before it would start backing up. I investigated further and found that it was running a verification query across each fileset (version) before it started backing up… I then set out to improve the performance of the query.

The query is being run in the LocalDatabase class here (where I’ve added the comment /* here */ to the quote):

                if (verifyfilelists)
                    using (var cmd2 = m_connection.CreateCommand(transaction))
                        foreach (var filesetid in cmd.ExecuteReaderEnumerable(@"SELECT ""ID"" FROM ""Fileset"" ").Select(x => x.ConvertValueToInt64(0, -1)))
                            using (var rd = cmd2.ExecuteReader(DBQUERY_CountFilesetEntriesAgainstDataAndMetadataRecordsForTheSameFileset, filesetid))
                                while (rd.Read())
                                    var expandedlist = rd.GetInt32(1);
                                    var storedlist = rd.GetInt32(2);

                                    if (expandedlist != storedlist)
                                        var filesetname = filesetid.ToString();
                                        var fileset = FilesetTimes.Zip(Enumerable.Range(0, FilesetTimes.Count()), (a, b) => new Tuple<long, long, DateTime>(b, a.Key, a.Value)).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Item2 == filesetid);
                                        if (fileset != null)
                                            /* here */ filesetname = string.Format("version {0}: {1} (database id: {2})", fileset.Item1, fileset.Item3, fileset.Item2);
                                        throw new Interface.UserInformationException(string.Format("Unexpected difference in fileset {0}, found {1} entries, but expected {2}", filesetname, expandedlist, storedlist), "FilesetDifferences");

I’ll go into the details of my performance tuning analysis shortly, but for the backups I’m performing I’ve managed to consistently reduce backup time from around 20 minutes to around 6 minutes. There is also a corresponding significant reduction in server load. I can improve performance further but this would require database schema changes.

I’ll now progress through my analysis so people know what I’ve done.

The original query is as follows:

      distinct "Path" 
          "M"."Hash" as "MetaBlocklistHash" 
              "K"."Hash" as "BlocklistHash", 
                  "A"."Path" as "Path", 
                  "D"."Lastmodified" as "Lastmodified", 
                  "B"."Length" as "Filelength", 
                  "B"."FullHash" as "Filehash", 
                  "E"."FullHash" as "Metahash", 
                  "E"."Length" as "Metalength", 
                  "A"."BlocksetID" as "BlocksetID", 
                  "F"."Hash" as "FirstBlockHash", 
                  "F"."Size" as "FirstBlockSize", 
                  "H"."Hash" as "FirstMetaBlockHash", 
                  "H"."Size" as "FirstMetaBlockSize", 
                  "C"."BlocksetID" as "MetablocksetID" 
                  "file" A 
                  left join "blockset" B on "A"."BlocksetID" = "B"."ID" 
                  left join "metadataset" C on "A"."MetadataID" = "C"."ID" 
                  left join "filesetentry" D on "A"."ID" = "D"."FileID" 
                  left join "blockset" E on "E"."ID" = "C"."BlocksetID" 
                  left join "blocksetentry" G on "B"."ID" = "G"."BlocksetID" 
                  left join "block" F on "G"."BlockID" = "F"."ID" 
                  left join "blocksetentry" I on "E"."ID" = "I"."BlocksetID" 
                  left join "block" H on "I"."BlockID" = "H"."ID" 
                  "A"."BlocksetId" >= 0 
                  and "D"."FilesetID" = 578 
                  and (
                    "I"."Index" = 0 
                    or "I"."Index" is null
                  and (
                    "G"."Index" = 0 
                    or "G"."Index" is null
              ) J 
              left outer join "blocklisthash" K on "K"."BlocksetID" = "J"."BlocksetID" 
            order by 
          ) L 
          left outer join "blocklisthash" M on "M"."BlocksetID" = "L"."MetablocksetID"
      distinct "Path" 
          "H"."Hash" as "MetablocklistHash" 
              "F"."Hash" as "FirstMetaBlockHash", 
              "C"."BlocksetID" as "MetaBlocksetID" 
              "filesetentry" A, 
              "file" B, 
              "metadataset" C, 
              "blockset" D, 
              "blocksetentry" E, 
              "block" F 
              "A"."FileID" = "B"."ID" 
              and "B"."MetadataID" = "C"."ID" 
              and "C"."BlocksetID" = "D"."ID" 
              and "E"."BlocksetID" = "C"."BlocksetID" 
              and "E"."BlockID" = "F"."ID" 
              and "E"."Index" = 0 
              and (
                "B"."BlocksetID" = -100 
                or "B"."BlocksetID" = -200
              and "A"."FilesetID" = 578
          ) G 
          left outer join "blocklisthash" H on "H"."BlocksetID" = "G"."MetaBlocksetID" 
        order by 

The following diagram shows how these tables are related together in the query. Note that the Duplicati database doesn’t have any referential integrity relationships (foreign keys), I’ve added them to the diagram for clarity… the addition of foreign keys would improve DB integrity, it would also improve performance through less joins being required (demonstrated below)). The table aliases in the query are extremely difficult to follow, so they have been included in the blue notes against each of the tables. Where there are two aliases, the first belongs to the top query (before the union) the second belongs to the bottom query.

I’ll now discuss how I improved the performance of this query as follows…

Looking at the “where” clause in the top query:

where  "A"."BlocksetId" >= 0
  and "D"."FilesetID" = 578

These restrict the entire resultset. Therefore A can be inner-joined to D rather than a left outer join. This reduces join work later in the query (as the inner-joined set is smaller). So move D closer to A and change to an inner join. Move these filter criteria to the join criteria.

In the top query, note the left outer join to BlocklistHash. As this is an outer join and there are no filtering criteria, this join does not filter the resultset. Looking at the top-most query, Path is the only parameter required from this resultset and it’s not being provided by the BlocklistHash table. This entire join and therefore the sub-query can be removed.

The left outer join to BlocklistHash in the bottom query can be removed for the same reason as above… thus the entire subquery can be removed.

The two “order by” clauses (top and bottom queries) can be removed – they provide no benefit.

This brings us to this:

      distinct "Path" 
          "K"."Hash" as "BlocklistHash", 
              "A"."Path" as "Path", 
              "D"."Lastmodified" as "Lastmodified", 
              "B"."Length" as "Filelength", 
              "B"."FullHash" as "Filehash", 
              "E"."FullHash" as "Metahash", 
              "E"."Length" as "Metalength", 
              "A"."BlocksetID" as "BlocksetID", 
              "F"."Hash" as "FirstBlockHash", 
              "F"."Size" as "FirstBlockSize", 
              "H"."Hash" as "FirstMetaBlockHash", 
              "H"."Size" as "FirstMetaBlockSize", 
              "C"."BlocksetID" as "MetablocksetID" 
              "file" A 
              inner join "filesetentry" D on "A"."ID" = "D"."FileID" 
              and "A"."BlocksetId" >= 0 
              and "D"."FilesetID" = 578 
              left join "blockset" B on "A"."BlocksetID" = "B"."ID" 
              left join "metadataset" C on "A"."MetadataID" = "C"."ID" 
              left join "blockset" E on "E"."ID" = "C"."BlocksetID" 
              left join "blocksetentry" G on "B"."ID" = "G"."BlocksetID" 
              left join "block" F on "G"."BlockID" = "F"."ID" 
              left join "blocksetentry" I on "E"."ID" = "I"."BlocksetID" 
              left join "block" H on "I"."BlockID" = "H"."ID" 
                "I"."Index" = 0 
                or "I"."Index" is null
              and (
                "G"."Index" = 0 
                or "G"."Index" is null
          ) J 
          left outer join "blocklisthash" K on "K"."BlocksetID" = "J"."BlocksetID"
      ) L 
      distinct "Path" 
          "F"."Hash" as "FirstMetaBlockHash", 
          "C"."BlocksetID" as "MetaBlocksetID" 
          "filesetentry" A, 
          "file" B, 
          "metadataset" C, 
          "blockset" D, 
          "blocksetentry" E, 
          "block" F 
          "A"."FileID" = "B"."ID" 
          and "B"."MetadataID" = "C"."ID" 
          and "C"."BlocksetID" = "D"."ID" 
          and "E"."BlocksetID" = "C"."BlocksetID" 
          and "E"."BlockID" = "F"."ID" 
          and "E"."Index" = 0 
          and (
            "B"."BlocksetID" = -100 
            or "B"."BlocksetID" = -200
          and "A"."FilesetID" = 578
      ) G

A further left outer join to BlocklistHash in the top query can be removed for the same reason as above… thus the entire subquery can be removed.

All return parameters apart from “Path” can be removed from the top and bottom queries as they are not being used by the top-most query… only “Path” is required.

This brings us to this:

      distinct "Path" 
          "file" A 
          inner join "filesetentry" D on "A"."ID" = "D"."FileID" 
          and "A"."BlocksetId" >= 0 
          and "D"."FilesetID" = 578 
          left join "blockset" B on "A"."BlocksetID" = "B"."ID" 
          left join "metadataset" C on "A"."MetadataID" = "C"."ID" 
          left join "blockset" E on "E"."ID" = "C"."BlocksetID" 
          left join "blocksetentry" G on "B"."ID" = "G"."BlocksetID" 
          left join "block" F on "G"."BlockID" = "F"."ID" 
          left join "blocksetentry" I on "E"."ID" = "I"."BlocksetID" 
          left join "block" H on "I"."BlockID" = "H"."ID" 
            "I"."Index" = 0 
            or "I"."Index" is null
          and (
            "G"."Index" = 0 
            or "G"."Index" is null
      ) J 
      distinct "Path" 
          "filesetentry" A, 
          "file" B, 
          "metadataset" C, 
          "blockset" D, 
          "blocksetentry" E, 
          "block" F 
          "A"."FileID" = "B"."ID" 
          and "B"."MetadataID" = "C"."ID" 
          and "C"."BlocksetID" = "D"."ID" 
          and "E"."BlocksetID" = "C"."BlocksetID" 
          and "E"."BlockID" = "F"."ID" 
          and "E"."Index" = 0 
          and (
            "B"."BlocksetID" = -100 
            or "B"."BlocksetID" = -200
          and "A"."FilesetID" = 578
      ) G

The outer-most top and bottom queries can now be removed, the distinct clauses are moved to their inner queries.

This brings us to (now formatting by hand to improve readability):

      distinct "A"."Path" 
    from "file" A 
		inner join "filesetentry" D
			on "A"."ID" = "D"."FileID" 
				and "A"."BlocksetId" >= 0 
				and "D"."FilesetID" = 578 
		left join "blockset" B
			on "A"."BlocksetID" = "B"."ID" 
		left join "metadataset" C
			on "A"."MetadataID" = "C"."ID" 
		left join "blockset" E
			on "E"."ID" = "C"."BlocksetID" 
		left join "blocksetentry" G
			on "B"."ID" = "G"."BlocksetID" 
		left join "block" F
			on "G"."BlockID" = "F"."ID" 
		left join "blocksetentry" I
			on "E"."ID" = "I"."BlocksetID" 
		left join "block" H
			on "I"."BlockID" = "H"."ID" 
			"I"."Index" = 0 
			or "I"."Index" is null
		and (
			"G"."Index" = 0 
			or "G"."Index" is null
    select distinct "B"."Path" 
    from "file" B
		inner join "filesetentry" A
			on "A"."FileID" = "B"."ID" 
		inner join "metadataset" C
			on "B"."MetadataID" = "C"."ID" 
		inner join "blockset" D
			on "C"."BlocksetID" = "D"."ID" 
		inner join "blocksetentry" E
			on "E"."BlocksetID" = "C"."BlocksetID" 
		inner join "block" F 
			on "E"."BlockID" = "F"."ID" 
		"E"."Index" = 0 
			"B"."BlocksetID" = -100 
			or "B"."BlocksetID" = -200
		and "A"."FilesetID" = 578

We’re now down to ~75% of the original execution time.

On both the top and bottom queries, each BlocksetEntry only has one Block… and block is not being filtered or used in the resultset… it can therefore be removed. Oops… no it can’t, this database has no referential integrity therefore, as this is a validation query, the join is required to confirm the record at the end of the BlockId exists… this database needs referential integrity to improve integrity and query performance.

In the bottom query, move the where-clause criteria to the join criteria. Rename the aliases to improve readability. Group the join clauses to improve readability.

This brings us to:

      distinct F1."Path" 
    from "File" as F1
		inner join "filesetentry" as FSE1
			on F1."ID" = FSE1."FileID" 
				and F1."BlocksetId" >= 0 
				and FSE1."FilesetID" = 578 
		-- join with data
		left join "blockset" as BS1
			on F1."BlocksetID" = BS1."ID" 
		left join "blocksetentry" as BSE1
			on BS1."ID" = BSE1."BlocksetID" 
		-- join with metadata
		left join "metadataset" as MDS1
			on F1."MetadataID" = MDS1."ID" 
		left join "blockset" as BS2
			on BS2."ID" = MDS1."BlocksetID" 
		left join "blocksetentry" as BSE2
			on BS2."ID" = BSE2."BlocksetID" 
			BSE1."Index" = 0 
			or BSE1."Index" is null
			BSE2."Index" = 0 
			or BSE2."Index" is null
    select distinct F2."Path" 
    from "file" as F2
		inner join "filesetentry" as FSE2
			on FSE2."FileID" = F2."ID" 
					F2."BlocksetID" = -100 
					or F2."BlocksetID" = -200
				and FSE2."FilesetID" = 578
		-- join with metadata
		inner join "metadataset" as MDS2
			on F2."MetadataID" = MDS2."ID" 
		inner join "blockset" as BS3
			on MDS2."BlocksetID" = BS3."ID" 
		inner join "blocksetentry" as BSE3
			on BSE3."BlocksetID" = MDS2."BlocksetID" 
				and BSE3."Index" = 0 

Note in the bottom query, the last join for BlocksetEntry is with Metadataset.BlocksetId. It would be more efficient if it joined with Blockset.(Blockset)Id which is indexed… moving the join.

BlocksetEntry is a many join off Blockset. The query is filtering BlocksetEntry by:

  1. “index = 0” and this will filter out blocksets that don’t a zero-index BlocksetEntry… as this is a validation query I’ll assume the query is trying to confirm that all blocksets have a BlocksetEntry with an index of zero.
  2. “Index is null” and this will filter out blocksets that don’t have a BlocksetEntry at all. Analysis of the data shows that when a file is zero-length Duplicati will store the blockset but will not store any BlocksetEntries or Blocks. The corresponding zero-length blockset (where blockset.length=0) confirms this observation.

Notice the inconsistency in the above query where the top query uses left outer joins for obtaining metadata whereas the bottom query uses inner joins. It would be fair to assume that the bottom query is correct as all files would contain metadata, so there would never be zero-length metadata. There is a skip-metadata flag in Duplicati that I assume should just create a metadata blockset without any blockset entries or blocks. In looking at the code, I don’t think the skip-metadata option actually does anything, and if it does it only skips metadata for a restore task.

Based on the above I’ll change all the metadata joins to be inner joins.

In the top query, I’ll also move the F1.BlocksetId >= 0 query criteria at the start of each data or metadata join block (you’ll see why in a minute). Similarly, in the bottom query move the F2.BlocksetId query criteria into the metadata join block.

This brings us to the following:

      distinct F1."Path" 
    from "File" as F1
		inner join "filesetentry" as FSE1
			on F1."ID" = FSE1."FileID" 
				and FSE1."FilesetID" = 578 
		-- join with data
		left outer join "blockset" as BS1
			on F1."BlocksetID" = BS1."ID" 
				and F1."BlocksetId" >= 0 
		left outer join "blocksetentry" as BSE1
			on BS1."ID" = BSE1."BlocksetID" 
		left outer join "block" B1
			on BSE1."BlockID" = B1."ID" 
		-- join with metadata
		inner join "metadataset" as MDS1
			on F1."MetadataID" = MDS1."ID" 
				and F1."BlocksetId" >= 0 
		inner join "blockset" as BS2
			on BS2."ID" = MDS1."BlocksetID" 
		inner join "blocksetentry" as BSE2
			on BS2."ID" = BSE2."BlocksetID" 
				and BSE2."Index" = 0 
		inner join "block" as B2
			on BSE2."BlockID" = B2."ID" 
			BSE1."Index" = 0 
			or BSE1."Index" is null
    select distinct F2."Path" 
    from "file" as F2
		inner join "filesetentry" as FSE2
			on FSE2."FileID" = F2."ID" 
				and FSE2."FilesetID" = 578
		-- join with metadata
		inner join "metadataset" as MDS2
			on F2."MetadataID" = MDS2."ID" 
					F2."BlocksetID" = -100 
					or F2."BlocksetID" = -200
		inner join "blockset" as BS3
			on MDS2."BlocksetID" = BS3."ID" 
		inner join "blocksetentry" as BSE3
			on BSE3."BlocksetID" = BS3."ID" 
				and BSE3."Index" = 0 
		inner join "block" as B3
			on BSE3."BlockID" = B3."ID" 

Looking at the above two unioned queries, note that the initial join in both is the same. The top query is made up of two parts which are the collection of data and the collection of metadata. The left outer joins in the collection of metadata don’t restrict the query at all they just provide more information if the join succeeds, but it will only succeed with BlocksetIds > 0.

The metadata portion of the top query brings back all distinct paths with a BlocksetId > 0, and bottom query brings back all distinct paths with a BlocksetId of -100 or -200 (which is everything < 0). As this is the complete set of metadata, the bottom portion of the query can be combined with the top portion as such:

      distinct F1."Path"
    from "File" as F1
		inner join "filesetentry" as FSE1
			on F1."ID" = FSE1."FileID" 
				and FSE1."FilesetID" = 578 
		-- join with data
		left outer join "blockset" as BS1
			on F1."BlocksetID" = BS1."ID" 
				and F1."BlocksetId" >= 0 
		left outer join "blocksetentry" as BSE1
			on BS1."ID" = BSE1."BlocksetID" 
		left outer join "block" as B1
			on BSE1."BlockID" = B1."ID" 
		-- join with metadata
		inner join "metadataset" as MDS1
			on F1."MetadataID" = MDS1."ID" 
		inner join "blockset" as BS2
			on BS2."ID" = MDS1."BlocksetID" 
		inner join "blocksetentry" as BSE2
			on BS2."ID" = BSE2."BlocksetID" 
				and BSE2."Index" = 0 
		inner join "block" as B2
			on BSE2."BlockID" = B2."ID" 
			BSE1."Index" = 0 
			or BSE1."Index" is null

“File” is a view containing a string concatenation. This can be replaced with the two fields being concatenated from FileLookup to avoid the expense of the concatenation (a significant performance improvement :blush:).

This brings us to:

      distinct FL1."Path", FL1.PrefixID
    from "FileLookup" as FL1
		inner join "filesetentry" as FSE1
			on FL1."ID" = FSE1."FileID" 
				and FSE1."FilesetID" = 578 
		-- join with data
		left outer join "blockset" as BS1
			on FL1."BlocksetID" = BS1."ID" 
				and FL1."BlocksetId" >= 0 
		left outer join "blocksetentry" as BSE1
			on BS1."ID" = BSE1."BlocksetID" 
 		left outer join "block" as B1
 			on BSE1."BlockID" = B1."ID" 
		-- join with metadata
		inner join "metadataset" as MDS1
			on FL1."MetadataID" = MDS1."ID" 
		inner join "blockset" as BS2
			on BS2."ID" = MDS1."BlocksetID" 
		inner join "blocksetentry" as BSE2
			on BS2."ID" = BSE2."BlocksetID" 
				and BSE2."Index" = 0 
 		inner join "block" as B2
 			on BSE2."BlockID" = B2."ID" 
			BSE1."Index" = 0 
			or BSE1."Index" is null

But for each fileset the files are unique and this query just looks at one fileset. After a littler more of a clean-up, this brings us to:

select count(*)
from FileLookup as FL1 
	inner join filesetentry as FSE1 
		on FL1.ID = FSE1.FileID 
			and FSE1.FilesetID = 578  
	-- join with data 
	left outer join blockset as BS1 
		on FL1.BlocksetID = BS1.ID 
			and FL1.BlocksetId >= 0 
	left outer join blocksetentry as BSE1 
		on BS1.ID = BSE1.BlocksetID 
	left outer join block as B1 
		on BSE1.BlockID = B1.ID 
	-- join with metadata 
	inner join metadataset as MDS1 
		on FL1.MetadataID = MDS1.ID 
	inner join blockset as BS2 
		on BS2.ID = MDS1.BlocksetID 
	inner join blocksetentry as BSE2 
		on BS2.ID = BSE2.BlocksetID 
			and BSE2.[Index] = 0 
 	inner join block as B2 
 		on BSE2.BlockID = B2.ID 
		BSE1.[Index] = 0 
		or BSE1.BlocksetID is null

These changes have improved query performance by 37%. Due to the significant reduction in server resourcing required for the optimised query, in real-world scenarios, for a backup with ~500 versions, this has consistently reduced total backup time from 20-22 minutes to around 6 minutes.

Further improvements can increase performance by 54% if the joins to “block” are removed. This is can be safely accomplished by adding referential integrity to the database. At the moment the query is checking data that would normally be enforced by a referential integrity constraint.

Other changes to the database will further improve integrity and performance such as the removal of the metadataset table which is redundant. The “benefit” of this table can be achieved by simply adding a code or flag to Blockset to distinguish between data and metadata.

I also suggest that the FileLookup table be normalised as at the moment file paths are duplicated in this table…. Normalising this table would further improve performance and it would also improve data integrity when combined with RI constraints.

I also see other opportunities for performance and integrity gains in the database. If people are keen I can look at making these changes.

This change will be released as a pull request shortly, when I have time :slight_smile:


Impressive work and great writeup! Unfortunately, someone better at SQL than I am should take a look. Possibly I can add some Duplicati-specific thoughts (eventually) because I know some better than SQL.

@tarianjed is raising performance too, getting a change in master and

Improved database query performance, thanks @jedthe3rd

Identified another slow query during backup

DB Query Performance Testing, Fixes, and Maintainability

I feel very fortunate that Duplicati now has two great people doing SQL, and I wonder if you could work together not just on performance, but on integrity, maintainability, etc. Maybe also review pull requests?

Current staff is very depleted (from attrition) of people who know their way around SQL. It’s unfortunate. Automated unit tests run when a PR goes in, but they don’t catch everything. Expert review is important.

There are also, frankly, still some backup integrity issues that people hit (though it used to be far worse). Because SQL is so central to Duplicati, SQL expertise is important to trying to either figure out what had happened (difficult, especially if it’s reported externally), improve defensive C# or SQL code, and so on.

This is a good analysis.

What version did you test this under?

Some things to keep in mind:
Backward compatibility is very important for this project so queries changed today need to work with backups of datasets made in earlier versions of the project (I only agree with this principle up to a point).

I definitely agree the database needs to be normalized and proper referential integrity added. The main blocker to this is the databases are used as work tables that shouldn’t require referential integrity when creating a database from an existing dataset backup. The backup could only be partially referentially valid. So to allow partial restores enforcing referential integrity can be a difficult problem to solve.

I definitely think your changes should not cause any issues, but I don’t know what I don’t know which is why I have mainly been focusing on index based performance improvements.

Thank you @tarianjed. The change has only been tested under the current version.

I haven’t changed what the query does, it’s just more efficient at doing it. In relation to your comment above, I’m not looking at changing the resultant datafile structure created on the backup medium, that’s just asking for trouble :slight_smile: , just improving DB integrity, performance and maintainability. As @ts678 has already commented, the changes need to be made very carefully as the database is the heart of the system.

I’ve seen a little of this in my travels throughout the code. Developing a data dictionary will allow us to understand the database as we look into how it is being used so we don’t break anything. We don’t make changes until we understand thoroughly what we’re changing. This isn’t an exercise that needs to happen overnight, it can happen gradually. We can, fairly easily, insulate the code from DB changes underneath, and then slowly change the code. This insulation will have a slight performance impact. The majority of queries, probably 90% won’t notice, the queries that are called repeatedly in loops will notice - but they are the ones that would be targeted first for optimisation anyway.

I’ll also point out that I’m not, in any way, denigrating the work in Duplicati. An extremely talented group of software engineers has worked on this project. The code is extremely readable and of high-quality. I’m just offering to help out in an area that could do with a little work. :broom:

Unfortunately I’m time-poor. I’m working on Duplicati because it’s a wonderful initiative and I’d like it to survive… I think it’s significantly better than many of the paid options. I can’t put my hand up for too much.

Agreed, which is why I push for an ER diagram and data dictionary on every project. The database is the heart of the majority of systems. Determining the structure of the database is easy, but understanding why the database was built in a particular way and how it should be used is what needs to be written down. This understanding will help developers moving forward.

Although there have definitely been very talented people contributing to Duplicati, somewhat amazingly Duplicati is primarily the creation of one developer who managed to cover C#, SQL, GUI (in AngularJS), ported a web server for GUI to talk to, did some destination backends, got Windows, Linux, and Mac up, created the cloud server infrastructure, and probably lots more. We’re still trying to get teams for all that, which is why I’m thrilled that at least database is getting a little love. It’s also now one source of backup integrity problems, because it seems tricky to keep everything aligned between DB and the backup files.

Storage destinations don’t know about commit and rollback, so Remotevolume table State leaves clues allowing cleanup on next backup. There are some known issues (see GitHub) with exceptions or death.

Current version of Duplicati is based on a rewrite in to do more concurrency, meaning many threads are working on the database at the same time. I haven’t identified the designs to keep them from interfering with each other, for example, one might commit at wrong time for some other.

I’m kind of curious how one diagrams or documents the transaction design, especially with concurrency? Having some documented design underneath this might give people more confidence for doing changes.

The documentation I’m referring to is for the database, it won’t cover how the database is asynchronously called. I haven’t looked at how Duplicati is calling the database, if you know of where I should look then I’m happy to.

Just thinking about it, the area where Duplicati needs concurrency is to perform multiple RESTful calls to the backend data repositories. To do this Duplicati would need to determine which files to backup (based on whether they had changed), write the block breakdown to the database and when those blocks or blocksets are complete fire them off to the data repository. The database will handle the concurrent calls easily using transactions and locking to avoid concurrency issues where necessary. I’m not seeing an issue.

We might look at lock contention when assessing query optimisation.

I’ll point out, at this stage I’m not looking at changing what the database does, I’m just looking at changing how it does it. The underlying approach as to what the database holds would still be the same but it might have a lightly different structure.

The best way I have found to document system design is using BPMN. To design a system I give my developers primarily two documented diagrams - an ER Diagram and a BPMN Diagram. BPMN is fantastic, you can diagram your parallel processes, your transactions, etc. BPMN is not just for business analysts, I’ll use it over a sequence diagram any day.

Channel Pipeline gets into this a little, starting with a question below. This dev is working .NET port too.

and of course performing backups touches the database lots, but I’m lost deeper (not a C# or SQL dev).

At a high level, for backups (and other operations use the same underlying code, maybe differently) see

and put that with the high level commentary from the channel pipeline thread, and look at coding details.

sounds like a very good match (details TBD) to the above. I just thought I’d cite some previous research.

which is why I point out that it isn’t quite working correctly, although it’s pretty close in typical scenarios. GitHub issues and source history show some of the work, but I don’t know how much was design level, versus how much was tweaking the code into possibly odd forms to avoid having to change the design.

The databases for backups can get huge. The faster any conversions can run, the happier users will be.

Thank you for the info. I’d had a reasonable look through one of the backend handler operations and I couldn’t see anything that I’d say was unreasonable or chatty use of the database, i.e. where DB calls could be sensibly combined. The database layer seems to be abstracted reasonably well, I would propose cleaning up some of the abstraction mainly so the SQL queries are readable and to bring a bit more consistency to it (I suspect multiple devs have been in there), that’s easy to sort out.

Hopefully what we do fixes some bugs. The addition of RI should trap bugs, but bug hunting isn’t the primary exercise. Obviously we’ll question anything that looks out of place. I doubt there are any bugs in the SQL as such as I think the effects would be more prevalent. We’ll see what happens.

@tarianjed and I have worked on another couple of improvements today… it’s getting there.

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