Problems with duplicati in docker on raspi

Hello everyone.

I am trying to run duplicati in a docker container on an Raspberry Pi 4 with Raspberry Pi OS.

Raspberry Pi 4B 4GB
Operating System: Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Kernel: Linux 5.15.32-v7l+
Architecture: arm

docker-compose file:



container_name: duplicati


  - PUID=1000

  - PGID=1000

  - TZ=Europe/Vienna

  - CLI_ARGS= #optional


  - /opt/duplicati/config:/config

  - /opt/duplicati/backups:/backups

  - /opt:/source


  - 8200:8200

restart: unless-stopped

When i start the container and connect to port 8200 with my browser i get an error message and also a connection lost popup.

If i can make it to the add backup menu i cannot proceed, because there is no Storage Type to choose.

My logs from the conatiner looks the following:

[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc…exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms…exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes…
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts…
[cont-init.d] 01-envfile: executing…
[cont-init.d] 01-envfile: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 01-migrations: executing…
[migrations] started
[migrations] no migrations found
[cont-init.d] 01-migrations: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 02-tamper-check: executing…
[cont-init.d] 02-tamper-check: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: executing…

      _         ()
     | |  ___   _    __
     | | / __| | |  /  \
     | | \__ \ | | | () |
     |_| |___/ |_|  \__/

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User uid: 1000
User gid: 1000

[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 30-config: executing…
[cont-init.d] 30-config: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 90-custom-folders: executing…
[cont-init.d] 90-custom-folders: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 99-custom-scripts: executing…
[custom-init] no custom files found exiting…
[cont-init.d] 99-custom-scripts: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.

Native Crash Reporting

Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
used by your application.

Native stacktrace:

(No frames)

Telemetry Dumper:

Pkilling 0x3011269680x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x3060675632x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x2998924336x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x3008361520x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x2993247280x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x2987377712x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x2978989104x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x2981094448x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x2989483056x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x3005215792x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x2977936432x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x2986325040x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x2980041776x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x3069974976x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x3002070064x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x2982147120x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x2990535728x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x2985272368x from 0x2988430384x
Entering thread summarizer pause from 0x2988430384x
Finished thread summarizer pause from 0x2988430384x.
Failed to create breadcrumb file (null)/crash_hash_0x14174f9804

Waiting for dumping threads to resume

External Debugger Dump:

mono_gdb_render_native_backtraces not supported on this platform, unable to find gdb or lldb

Basic Fault Address Reporting

Memory around native instruction pointer (0x5974a2):0x597492 70 47 2e 2c 14 00 02 68 8a 42 1c d2 10 b4 04 46 pG.,…h.B…F
0x5974a2 13 78 fe 2b 0f d0 f0 2b 18 bf 18 46 03 d0 22 60 .x.+…+…F…"`
0x5974b2 5d f8 04 4b 70 47 50 1c 81 42 0f d9 53 78 02 46 ]…KpGP…B…Sx.F
0x5974c2 03 f2 25 10 f3 e7 50 1c 81 42 07 d9 53 78 02 46 …%…P…B…Sx.F

Managed Stacktrace:

at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
at Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Config:.cctor <0x00013>
at System.Object:runtime_invoke_void <0x0007b>
at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
at Duplicati.Library.Backend.S3:get_SupportedCommands <0x00253>
at DynamicModule:.ctor <0x0012b>
at <>c:<get_BackendModules>b__4_0 <0x0002b>
at SelectArrayIterator`2:ToArray <0x000af>
at System.Linq.Enumerable:ToArray <0x0007b>
at Duplicati.Server.Serializable.ServerSettings:get_BackendModules <0x00103>
at Duplicati.Server.WebServer.RESTMethods.SystemInfo:SystemData <0x003c7>
at Duplicati.Server.WebServer.RESTMethods.SystemInfo:GET <0x00033>
at Duplicati.Server.WebServer.RESTHandler:DoProcess <0x00677>
at Duplicati.Server.WebServer.RESTHandler:DoProcess <0x00073>
at Duplicati.Server.WebServer.RESTHandler:Process <0x0029b>
at HttpServer.HttpServer:HandleRequest <0x0015b>
at HttpServer.HttpServer:ProcessRequest <0x004bf>
at HttpServer.HttpServer:ProcessRequestWrapper <0x00073>
at HttpServer.HttpServer:OnRequest <0x00197>
at System.EventHandler`1:invoke_void_object_TEventArgs <0x0010b>
at HttpServer.HttpListenerBase:OnRequestReceived <0x0003f>
at System.EventHandler`1:invoke_void_object_TEventArgs <0x0010b>
at HttpServer.HttpContextFactory:OnRequestReceived <0x0003f>
at System.EventHandler`1:invoke_void_object_TEventArgs <0x0010b>
at HttpServer.HttpClientContext:OnRequestCompleted <0x00153>
at <Module>:invoke_void_object_EventArgs <0x000f3>
at HttpServer.Parser.HttpRequestParser:OnRequestCompleted <0x0003f>
at HttpServer.Parser.HttpRequestParser:Parse <0x00317>
at HttpServer.HttpClientContext:OnReceive <0x001a3>
at <>c:<Complete>b__27_0 <0x00083>
at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback:System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem <0x0005f>
at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:Dispatch <0x00237>
at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback:PerformWaitCallback <0x00037>
at <Module>:runtime_invoke_bool <0x0007b>


Native Crash Reporting

Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
used by your application.

Native stacktrace:

(No frames)

Telemetry Dumper:

Pkilling 0x2998924336x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x3070065088x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x2993247280x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x3008361520x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x2987377712x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x2977952816x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x2989483056x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x3005215792x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x3011400752x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x2986325040x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x2976900144x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x3002070064x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x3060773936x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x2990535728x from 0x2988430384x
Pkilling 0x2985272368x from 0x2988430384x
Entering thread summarizer pause from 0x2988430384x
Finished thread summarizer pause from 0x2988430384x.
Failed to create breadcrumb file (null)/crash_hash_0x1417469804

Waiting for dumping threads to resume

External Debugger Dump:

mono_gdb_render_native_backtraces not supported on this platform, unable to find gdb or lldb

Basic Fault Address Reporting

Memory around native instruction pointer (0x6274a2):0x627492 70 47 2e 2c 14 00 02 68 8a 42 1c d2 10 b4 04 46 pG.,…h.B…F
0x6274a2 13 78 fe 2b 0f d0 f0 2b 18 bf 18 46 03 d0 22 60 .x.+…+…F…"`
0x6274b2 5d f8 04 4b 70 47 50 1c 81 42 0f d9 53 78 02 46 ]…KpGP…B…Sx.F
0x6274c2 03 f2 25 10 f3 e7 50 1c 81 42 07 d9 53 78 02 46 …%…P…B…Sx.F

Managed Stacktrace:

at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
at Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Config:.cctor <0x00013>
at System.Object:runtime_invoke_void <0x0007b>
at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
at Duplicati.Library.Backend.S3:get_SupportedCommands <0x00253>
at DynamicModule:.ctor <0x0012b>
at <>c:<get_BackendModules>b__4_0 <0x0002b>
at SelectArrayIterator`2:ToArray <0x000af>
at System.Linq.Enumerable:ToArray <0x0007b>
at Duplicati.Server.Serializable.ServerSettings:get_BackendModules <0x00103>
at Duplicati.Server.WebServer.RESTMethods.SystemInfo:SystemData <0x003c7>
at Duplicati.Server.WebServer.RESTMethods.SystemInfo:GET <0x00033>
at Duplicati.Server.WebServer.RESTHandler:DoProcess <0x00673>
at Duplicati.Server.WebServer.RESTHandler:DoProcess <0x00073>
at Duplicati.Server.WebServer.RESTHandler:Process <0x0029b>
at HttpServer.HttpServer:HandleRequest <0x0015b>
at HttpServer.HttpServer:ProcessRequest <0x004bf>
at HttpServer.HttpServer:ProcessRequestWrapper <0x00073>
at HttpServer.HttpServer:OnRequest <0x00197>
at System.EventHandler`1:invoke_void_object_TEventArgs <0x0010b>
at HttpServer.HttpListenerBase:OnRequestReceived <0x0003f>
at System.EventHandler`1:invoke_void_object_TEventArgs <0x0010b>
at HttpServer.HttpContextFactory:OnRequestReceived <0x0003f>
at System.EventHandler`1:invoke_void_object_TEventArgs <0x0010b>
at HttpServer.HttpClientContext:OnRequestCompleted <0x00153>
at <Module>:invoke_void_object_EventArgs <0x000f3>
at HttpServer.Parser.HttpRequestParser:OnRequestCompleted <0x0003f>
at HttpServer.Parser.HttpRequestParser:Parse <0x00317>
at HttpServer.HttpClientContext:OnReceive <0x001a3>
at <>c:<Complete>b__27_0 <0x00083>
at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback:System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem <0x0005f>
at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:Dispatch <0x00237>
at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback:PerformWaitCallback <0x00037>
at <Module>:runtime_invoke_bool <0x0007b>


I hope anyone can help me.

I cannot see what causes the problem.

The web UI looks like it’s not loaded completely. How much RAM do you have on your Pi 4?

Thank you for your reply.

i have the 4 gb version. I do not know what the hardware requirements for duplicati are, but i think the RAM should be fine. With all my other containers runnig i have still 2800mb ram free.
I also just tried to stop all containers exept duplicati and got the same result.

Ok yeah 4GB should be fine. I ran Duplicati in docker on my Synology NAS with only 4GB at one point.

I don’t think it should matter, but I’m curious if you have the same results from the official Duplicati docker image (instead of using the linuxserver one).

1 Like

Changed the image to duplicati/duplicati and now it works.

@drwtsn32! You are a genius.

Thank you so much!


I am just starting off on my journey through realms of Openmediavault, Docker, Portainer, etc.

I have always used images from linuxserver image simply because this was recommended in the documents and videos I reviewed.

I see that here the “official image” is recommended rather than the “linuxserver image”.

How can I access these official images?


If you are using docker-compose just change the image tag from my original post

image: duplicati/duplicati

You can look for available images on Docker