Onedrive forcibly closed whilst counting down already backed up files

v2 is a Duplicati naming invention to distinguish the Microsoft Graph version from original which is gone.
OneDrive failing : “The remote server returned an error: (410) Gone.”
That’s an example of the brand continuing but its underlying technology changing. We’re in a tech issue.
There are other tests and answers that I’m more interested in though, so it’s fine to defer this, if needed.

Compare OneDrive cloud storage pricing and plans shows at least a marketing split between consumer products and business products, then the link for Enterprise shows some other options. I think business product line uses Sharepoint technology underneath to give it a different feature set, and this may matter.

Microsoft OneDrive v2 (Microsoft Graph API) (Duplicati manual)

This backend can store backups in both OneDrive and OneDrive for Business via the Microsoft Graph API.

Microsoft OneDrive (LiveConnect API) (Duplicati manual)

The LiveConnect API this backend is based on is deprecated and will be disabled on November 1st, 2018. New backups to OneDrive should be created using the OneDrive v2 backend based on the Microsoft Graph API, and existing backups should be migrated.

Migrating from Live SDK to Microsoft Graph (Microsoft)

Working with files in Microsoft Graph (Microsoft)

You can use Microsoft Graph to create an app that connects with files across OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, and SharePoint document libraries.

I’m not an expert in Microsoft product families, but some web searching indicates there are differences…

I agree it’s unlikely, but if it’s a business one then it may have controls and configurations consumer lacks.