Onedrive forcibly closed whilst counting down already backed up files

v2 is a Duplicati naming invention to distinguish the Microsoft Graph version from original which is gone.
OneDrive failing : “The remote server returned an error: (410) Gone.”
That’s an example of the brand continuing but its underlying technology changing. We’re in a tech issue.
There are other tests and answers that I’m more interested in though, so it’s fine to defer this, if needed.

Compare OneDrive cloud storage pricing and plans shows at least a marketing split between consumer products and business products, then the link for Enterprise shows some other options. I think business product line uses Sharepoint technology underneath to give it a different feature set, and this may matter.

Microsoft OneDrive v2 (Microsoft Graph API) (Duplicati manual)

This backend can store backups in both OneDrive and OneDrive for Business via the Microsoft Graph API.

Microsoft OneDrive (LiveConnect API) (Duplicati manual)

The LiveConnect API this backend is based on is deprecated and will be disabled on November 1st, 2018. New backups to OneDrive should be created using the OneDrive v2 backend based on the Microsoft Graph API, and existing backups should be migrated.

Migrating from Live SDK to Microsoft Graph (Microsoft)

Working with files in Microsoft Graph (Microsoft)

You can use Microsoft Graph to create an app that connects with files across OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, and SharePoint document libraries.

I’m not an expert in Microsoft product families, but some web searching indicates there are differences…

I agree it’s unlikely, but if it’s a business one then it may have controls and configurations consumer lacks.

I created a free OneDrive V2 account, and also a Duplicati test backup. It works. If it’s the result of stars in alignment, so be it :slight_smile:

not free, this is a business account with a onedrive plan 2 license so seeing as it cannot now upload anything using duplicati i think its a server, network issue, i have a NAS onsite and install Duplicati to that and that can back no issues at all.

tried to implement a few different PCI configurations in the event it was a cypher issue but nothing helped there.

tried to run Duplicati as a admin user instead of service no difference

removed anti-virus - no difference

i am at a complete loss, i have around 30 servers all running Duplicati and this is the only one causing such headaches.

Could you try to create a new backup with a 240 MB block size ?

tried that, its the same issue, i am thinking that this might be an OS issue, really lost at what to try now

at this point I’d say that the best way is to compare with the other working Duplicati servers to see what is common or not: OS, .Net version, Duplicati version, network (Cloud backend, internet provider, router and firewall, network stack on the OS)

so i have check against another server and cannot see anything different in terms of hardware or windows configuration, that includes Cipher suites, .net version etc, BUT this server that is failing does have different software running on it.

so i have done a wireshark capture of the backend test, i can see an initial connection all ok, then from Microsoft end RST, ACK, so the connection is being reset. i have the wireshark log saved but have no idea really how to read these

OK, a little reading is dangerous.! so RST, ACK is basically saying that the port is closed. IF that is the case it would suggest that Duplicati is making an outbound connection from port 443 to MS on a port 16470

but MS tries to talk back to the server on the same 16470 port but cant. kind of suggesting the established port is being closed

No that can’t be. HTTP (and TCP) is not working like that. Outbound ports are not used for reverse connections.

im stumped, i might try and install a VM on top of this server and see if it can backup the data

The Illustrated TLS 1.2 Connection – Every byte explained and reproduced

I’m pretty sure that older system can’t do TLS 1.3, but if it can’t do TLS 1.2 then some sites may fail…

Google search for wireshark TLS example found some others oriented around the Wireshark displays.

Dissecting TLS Using Wireshark was the top result and it looks reasonable, but there are some others.

A first check might be see if it got at least to where its setup is complete and application data is flowing.
Unfortunately for debug (but good for security), encryption prevents you from seeing Duplicati’s actions.
In theory you could post the Wireshark capture and reveal not a whole lot (mostly some IPs and MACs).