So at some early time I guess you ran Duplicati.WindowsService.exe to install then tweaked startup.
Its databases are at C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Duplicati
, unless moved elsewhere. A move is best because Windows version upgrade wipes SYSTEM profile.
I don’t see how it ever could have. The service Duplicati installs isn’t Duplicati.GUI.TrayIcon.exe, and even that probably can’t display to the user login session (I think), and it might also be before the session exists.
If you want a TrayIcon to go with a service, you start it with –no-hosted-server, and it should connect to the Duplicati.Server.exe that Duplicati.WindowsService.exe started when Windows started Duplicati’s service.
[SOLVED] Is it ok that I see 5 processes of Duplicati in Windows Task manager? initial screenshot shows what Task Manager should show when you have the Duplicati service as SYSTEM, and a TrayIcon as you.
Please check About → System info to see what UserName
you are running as with the screen at port 8200.
You can also see if you find a Duplicati at localhost:8300
. If so, do the same check to find the UserName
Both screens should also have a ServerVersion
which might come in handy later. I hope both are
Please use Task Manager to see if you have five Duplicati processes from Service side and TrayIcon side.
You can open an Administrator Command Prompt or similar to see if SYSTEM URL at top has databases.