Jottacloud Error 401 (Unauthorized)

I’d be willing to contribute financially to it. I’m actually a developer myself, but embedded so this really isn’t my area of expertise.

Thanks. €50/month! It’s not too bad up to 2TiB though.

Much appreciated, and it might give a new developer some motivation. Historically, these don’t go far…

… possibly because it’s a token amount compared to what developers earn. They have to want to do it.
Duplicati’s success very much depends on people willing to donate their time to it. Any new volunteers?
Sometimes a developer is needed, but help on forum, testers, readers, writers, and so on can ALL help.

I tried using rclone. It connects okay but when I run a backup I get an error. Looking in the log… There is no error. Then I tried to do a verify, and it seems to be hung.

Depending on how it fails (and especially if backup didn’t complete), there is no log in usual spot.
Sometimes the error is in the server log at About → Show log → Stored. Or reproduce a problem
while watching About → Show log → Live → Error or less, for example Information is reasonable.

rclone storage type may hang when rclone errors unless disable-piped-streaming is used #4328

(complicated) might be involved there. I don’t know if author @Wim_Jansen has anything to add.
Rclone destination type is sometimes useful when regular means fail, but I’m not sure it’s run lots.

Jottacloud removed basic authentication, Duplicati can no longer connect #4697 talks about this token:

Note: rclone supports using Jottacloud’s “personal login token”, which is used by their command line app. Code here: rclone/backend/jottacloud at master · rclone/rclone · GitHub

I am assuming that CLI token and personal login token are the same thing. The latter is in rclone docs.
The Go language code cited by the issue has a URL with openid-connect in it, so supports the theory

which Duplicati can’t do AFAIK, though it does do OAuth (which underlies it) in Duplicati OAuth Handler.
If someone wishes to look into such areas more, it could be useful. OAuth changes do arise sometimes.
Duplicati - Dropbox Backup - Short lived token expires is the recent breakage from server-side changes.

Users must manually log into the official web gui and generate a “personal login token” (perhaps this is called CLI token in “OpenID speak”?). This is a single-use token that can be used to create the real token (access and refresh). It is a base64 encoded json containing an url to OpenID configuration (well_known_link, ends with “/.well-known/openid-configuration”) and an authentication token that can be used (only) for creating the real token. To create the token one then must send a request to the “token_endpoint” url found from the OpenID configuration (ends with “/protocol/openid-connect/token”), with a form of password authentication using credential information contained in the initial single-use login token.

Is this a flow which differs from existing backends in Duplicati?
Edit: I guess it is, as you already expressed with:

which Duplicati can’t do AFAIK, though it does do OAuth (which underlies it) in Duplicati OAuth Handler.

I actually have a branch of Duplicati now, which has a rough implementation of the entire authentication flow (couldn’t resist). But it simply creates an entirely new access/refresh token every time and requires me (the user) therefore to supply a fresh personal login token every time. This, how Duplicati should manage the tokens, is the challenge.

Thanks. I found the following error:

System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.AggregateException: Missing config file? 2022/03/24 21:29:28 Failed to create file system for "local:C:\\Users\\XXXX\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\dup-0758d8dd-b135-4c35-a93a-ad35996ee5ba": didn't find section in config file

No idea why that would fail.

It’ hung right now, I’ll give it another hour and if it doesn’t sort itself out I’ll restart and check the live log.

Had to manually kill the Duplicati process and restart it. The error is basically the same, couldn’t create that file for some reason.

{"ClassName":"System.Exception","Message":"Missing config file? 2022/03/25 10:01:44 Failed to create file system for \"local:C:\\\\Users\\\\XXXX\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Temp\\\\dup-08fe10b6-0ae8-4c6a-8f9c-4dc285c4a03b\": didn't find section in config file","Data":null,"InnerException":null,"HelpURL":null,"StackTraceString":"   at CoCoL.AutomationExtensions.<RunTask>d__10`1.MoveNext()\r\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\r\n   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()\r\n   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)\r\n   at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.BackupHandler.<FlushBackend>d__19.MoveNext()\r\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\r\n   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()\r\n   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)\r\n   at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.BackupHandler.<RunAsync>d__20.MoveNext()","RemoteStackTraceString":null,"RemoteStackIndex":0,"ExceptionMethod":"8\nMoveNext\nCoCoL, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0983de3c914beeaa\nCoCoL.AutomationExtensions+<RunTask>d__10`1\nVoid MoveNext()","HResult":-2146233088,"Source":"CoCoL","WatsonBuckets":null}

Hi, I am also impacted by this decision.
Is getting a refund even possible? When looking at the terms and conditions (see here: Jottacloud – Cloud storage made easy ) I can see this:

All payments are non-refundable, even when the user has cancelled the subscription.

What exactly did you do (or are you doing) to get your refund? I recently paid for a yearly subscription…

Okay, I fixed the issue with rclone. To work you must have a “local disk” remote set up. You can’t use the in-memory option, it has to be the local disk.

In Duplicati you then add that as the “local repository” in the GUI. Set up the remote repository too, and then under Advanced Options set up the rclone executable path. Then it will work.

You might get a warning about unsupported username and password parameters. It tends to happen if you are converting from Jottacloud to rclone backend. The way to fix it is to click on the 3 dots on the destination page, and copy the URL to the clipboard. The click on the dots again and import the URL, but manually edit out the username and passport parts (starting from the ampersand).

It’s not quite as good as using Jottacloud natively because you don’t get progress information on uploads, and you don’t get any control over upload bandwidth. Aborting the backup doesn’t seem to work either.

I have tested backups and the verify command, both seem to work okay.

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I didn’t ask for a refund, and it probably will not happen if I did. But you can always try, see what they come up with. My Jottacloud account will renew in May, so there isn’t much to talk about anyway.

Thanks for the research. Question, I am running Duplicati in a Docker container running on a Synology NAS - and neither the container nor Diskstation (Synology NAS OS) contain rclone… so I guess this is not an option?

Could you not mount a volume in that Docker container with rclone in it? Sorry I don’t really know much about that config.

did you “rclone mount” it first?

Sorry I really don’t know, I use Duplicati on Windows. I didn’t mount anything, I just set up rclone on the machines doing the backup along side where Duplicati was running.

Just got another response from Jottacloud support:
We are looking into the issue Duplicati users are reporting regarding authentication, to see if we can make a temporary fix as a one-off for this specific issue. No change in our policy regarding support of third-party apps/services.”

So maybe it is not all lost after all, except that in time of course Duplicati would have to be able to work without this “temporary fix”…

I received the same answer from Jottacloud after asking them what and how they will suppoert in the future:

We are looking into the issue Duplicati users are reporting regarding authentication, to see if we can make a temporary fix as a one-off for this specific issue. No change in our policy regarding support of third-party apps/services.

The question - whether the end of service was announced (prior the switch off) in a user friendly manner, in order the affected customer can find alternativ solution - wasn’t answered yet.

Got the same copy and paste response after I complained that this move had not been announced at all.

My main concern at this point is that the CLI token is not withdrawn too. That would break rclone.