Jottacloud Error 401 (Unauthorized)

FYI possibly some users would use Jottacloud would prefer the Backblaze European data center.
I think Wasabi also has one. I don’t keep track of the big multinationals, but I’m sure they also do.

For any who have lots of data, are price-sensitive, are technical, and have a friend to help test this:

Announcement: syncosync - backup appliance

I wonder if they would say what they support? This is one risk of their not ever publishing their API.

Digest authentication might be not too hard to move to if they still do username and password auth.
If they went over completely to OAuth and Open ID Connect, that will likely be a more complex job.
Jottacloud is supported by rclone, and Duplicati can use a preconfigured Rclone to it, if it still works.

Feature Request: Support as a backend #3678
Add IDrive Backend #4692
give me the same long-term worry, as there’s no telling what the storage service might do someday.
Jottacloud, at least, had its reverse-engineered origins based on founder’s directions and staff work.

A question to people here is whether to try to get Jottacloud back again? The answer might be TBD.
Regular developers are too scarce, but @albertony seems to specialize in the Jottacloud backend.
If there is no interest there, and if Jottacloud sticks to its position, then that’s likely its end of support.