Issues after upgrading to v2.0.7.1

I am running on a mac.

I’ve been using v2.0.6.1 for years- never had an issue.

Yesterday, I clicked the button to upgrade to v2.0.7.1. After it installed, I rebooted. When I got to the desktop, the mac automatically downloaded and installed python3. OK… After it installed, I restarted.

Normally, I would see the Duplicati icon in the menu bar and I can use that to launch the webpage.

But now, it is not there. If I look at running processes, I see duplicati is actively running (using about 20% of my CPU). I’m guessing it is updating the DB?? I don’t know… It has been running for over 24 hours now.

If i look at my system logs, I see a bunch of error messages, which I think might be related to what ever duplicati is doing—

default 17:56:33.118006-0400 python3 Failed to open macho file at /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/python3 for reading: Too many levels of symbolic links

default 17:56:33.162445-0400 python3 Failed to open macho file at /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/python3 for reading: Too many levels of symbolic links

default 17:56:33.206764-0400 python3 Failed to open macho file at /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/python3 for reading: Too many levels of symbolic links

default 17:56:33.250916-0400 python3 Failed to open macho file at /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/python3 for reading: Too many levels of symbolic links

default 17:56:33.293616-0400 python3 Failed to open macho file at /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/python3 for reading: Too many levels of symbolic links

default 17:56:33.336098-0400 python3 Failed to open macho file at /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/python3 for reading: Too many levels of symbolic links

default 17:56:33.378314-0400 python3 Failed to open macho file at /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/python3 for reading: Too many levels of symbolic links

default 17:56:33.421550-0400 python3 Failed to open macho file at /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/python3 for reading: Too many levels of symbolic links

default 17:56:33.464147-0400 python3 Failed to open macho file at /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/python3 for reading: Too default 17:56:33.844023-0400 ReportCrash Sending event: {“appVersion”:“1.0”,“exceptionType”:1,“process”:“TrustedPeersHelper”,“responsibleApp”:“TrustedPeersHelper”}

default 17:56:33.844378-0400 analyticsd Received event: {“appVersion”:“1.0”,“exceptionType”:1,“process”:“TrustedPeersHelper”,“responsibleApp”:“TrustedPeersHelper”}

default 17:56:33.844499-0400 analyticsd Aggregated. Transform: StabilityCrashNumerator3WithIncidentID Dirty: 6 Event: {“appVersion”:“1.0”,“exceptionType”:1,“process”:“TrustedPeersHelper”,“responsibleApp”:“TrustedPeersHelper”,“timestamp”:1687989393843934}

default 17:56:33.844616-0400 analyticsd Aggregated. Transform: StabilityCrashNumerator3 Dirty: 7 Event: {“appVersion”:“1.0”,“exceptionType”:1,“process”:“TrustedPeersHelper”,“responsibleApp”:“TrustedPeersHelper”,“timestamp”:1687989393843934}

default 17:56:33.856864-0400 ReportCrash Saved crash report for TrustedPeersHelper[10313] version 1.0 (1) to TrustedPeersHelper_2023-06-28-175633_Chriss-iMac.crash

default 17:56:33.861785-0400 ReportCrash Removing excessive log: TrustedPeersHelper_2023-06-28-175633_Chriss-iMac.crash

Is this expected? Is there something I should do to help debug this or check the status?

Thank you for your assistance in advance works only with >= 11 (Big Sur)
You should test that python3 is installed correctly by running
and then in the python command enter
import Foundation
if it succeeds you are good and it should work.
If not you need to run something like:
sudo pip3 install pyobjc

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Thanks!! That worked!

I running the python command you sugegsted. it failed. So I ran the sudo command. As soon as I ran that, the messages in my system log stopped and the icon in the menu bar immediately popped up.

Over the last week, my backups are successful again.

Again, thanks for the solution.

Thanks for the solution g-patel. When trying to execute sudo pip3 install pyobjc on my mac that just got upgraded to MacOS 14, I got the error xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/library/developer/commandlinetools), missing xcrun at: /library/developer/commandlinetools/usr/bin/xcrun

I needed to install xcode using the following: xcode-select --install