Is there a work arround for google drive 403?

You might have seen this while looking at posts, but raise number-of-retries and maybe retry-delay.

What Google actually calls for for on some of its 403 errors is exponential backoff on retry attempts. actually added that, but Canary releases are too unknown for many.
If you want to venture into the latest fixes (and latest bugs), it’s available, but not by an autoupdate.

Use exponential backoff for retries #2399

refers to a new pull request which has not been processed yet. Any volunteers to process these?
Although volunteers in all areas (including forum) are needed, we have gotten new pull requests.

I’m also not quite sure if the rework will tell us details of a 403 on upload. Also, is it on an upload?
The original fix was for download, but my Google Drive 403 have been on uploads, when I check.
Simple long-term record is log-file=<path>, log-file-log-level=retry. A put is upload, get download.

It’s difficult to get a view of the network, because it’s encrypted. Windows network tracing is a way, however it’s a bit hard to set up, and you have to be careful not to accidentally post your secrets…