Error while create folder

This in theory should remove the problem of seeing files not made by Duplicati, e.g. what you made.

I’m not sure what ok means. If you enter the right value on Destination screen 3, Duplicati can lose it.
Using Options screen 5 avoids this bug. It might be worth checking to make sure the option is still ok.

Even "Failed to connect: missing-folder is kind of odd. On Google Drive personal, a backup makes it.
If I use the Destination screen “Test connection” button, it instead asks if I want it to create the folder.


Maybe the best troubleshooting approach is this:

Export As Command-line to get a URL that references your backup folder. Edit that to an empty folder.
Duplicati.CommandLine.BackendTool.exe or Duplicati.CommandLine.BackendTester.exe can do tests.

Something appears to not be working between Duplicati and your Team Drive. I don’t have one to test.
Wont let me reinstall is the only other text-style report of this error I can find. Any similarity to your use?