Error during auto backup

ok ty

yes E:\ is my pcloud drive

yes pcloud have a sync for his own backup system but he isn’t crypted so i don’t use him :slight_smile:
generally i avoid to put uncrypted files on web, mostly if personal.

can i retry the list-broken-files like this:

at the top is the previous screenshot and at the bottom it’s only to add option and the run command

with the offending stuff removed I hope.

Why don’t you just try it? I’m not noticing any problems in the pieces posted, after planned change.

yes the 2 box were cleaned too.

i got this:

Listing remote folder …
Return code: 0

Did you do the first part of that? Hiding could be moving to another folder, or renaming to new prefix.

oups i forgot i didn’t touch any files yet.

i need do ti on file who got expand in log right ?

No. Change the failed file:

yes wrong copy/paste sorry

That should hide it, so now when you list-broken-files, Duplicati should notice it’s gone and tell you what source files have some damage. Those files then get purged when you run purge-broken-files.

i got this this time:

Listing remote folder …
31 : 04/06/2023 14:00:02 (77 match(es))
D:\Breat\Downloads\Logiciels\Optimisations PC\Lector\Lector.exe (45,02 MB)
D:\Breat\Downloads\Logiciels\Optimisations PC\KeePass\KeePass v2.53.exe (4,20 MB)
D:\Breat\Downloads\Logiciels\Optimisations PC\KeePass\Plugins\KeeAnywhere-2.0.3.plgx (6,36 MB)
… and 72 more, (use --full-result to list all)

i need put the --full-result in the box arguments right ?

Yes, as you have lots of files with bits in that bad dblock.

EDIT: Some might be repeats, as it’s naming versions…
The next backup will grab a current version. Old get lost
when you purge-broken-files. This just predicts the loss.

ok i restarted the list-broken-files but with the argument --full-result may take some times.

won’t be faster to recreate the backup ? or this can give the same error ?

I’m not sure why that would be. Is it still actually going?

If you mean delete and start again, you lose all history.
If you mean recreate the database, dblock’s still bad…


It looks like all that option does is stop an earlier cutoff:

Help text:

  --full-result (Boolean): Output full results
    Use this option to increase the amount of output generated as the result
    of the operation, including all filenames.
    * default value: false

If you mean won’t it be faster to delete the destination files and database compared to a full verification (using test with all), and possibly fixing newfound issues, it’s more possible, but still isn’t guaranteed. Usually people like to have backup history, so starting fresh isn’t usually the first thing that’s suggested.

If you start fresh, use Advanced option blocksize of 500 KB or 1 MB and operations should run faster. You’ve currently got about 5 million 100 KB blocks being tracked, and 1 million would be a better count.

There’s no guarantee that pCloud will work better than before, so plan on some verification in any case.

i mean delete and start again, you lose all history, i already tried before ask you to recreate the db but without success :slight_smile:

yes my blocksize is the default so 100Ko, you think it’s better to put it at 1Mo ?

the list-broken-files still running

If you mean that’s what you want (lose all history, restart fresh, it finishes when it finishes), feel free.


That’s weird. It was faster first run. Did it start giving output?
Make sure nothing else is running. Only one thing at a time.


My list-broken-files on an intact smaller backup took 12 seconds with full-result set.
The main reason I even tested was to confirm that the status bar mis-announces it as backup.
This makes it harder to know what’s really running, but when it starts it should say something:


See wrong operation announced at top. Running … stop now came pretty fast. Listing paused after.

What’s it showing? Prior run found

which made me think maybe it would print out about 77 matches times 32 versions as its worst-case.
Did it start (as my image)? Is output going?

yes that’s finish yesterday but friends coming so i can’t reply and like i forgot to save the result i need restart the command to show you XD

i remember there are many files in my download folder but that don’t give me any duplicati…aes

if i do purge-broken-files, that remove theses files in the duplicati db to allow me continue the backup but theses files will be added too in next backup job ?

I don’t need the source file names, and that might be a privacy issue anyway. That was for you to see.

I’m not following. The output should be your personal source files. Why would you expect destination?

That’s the idea, except of course a file can’t be added back from source if it’s been deleted from source.

i thinked too but was to be sure

yes i answer just after woke up so i havn’t finished my coffee XD

ok so now i finished the listing, i can do the purge-broken-files like the listing (without arguments and options) right ?

I think it’s just a command change with same changes you did for list-broken-files.
Recovering by purging files in the Disaster recovery manual I linked to has example.