Duplicati grafana dashboard

Hi all,

Wanted to share this with everyone who is interested. I have been playing with nodered, influxdb and grafana to get to some nice dashboard. Might not be perfect - but I am more than happy with it.

Basically, nodered processes the resulting json files that can be posted by duplicati into an influxdb timeseries database, which is visualized by using a grafana dashboard.

Feel free to comment, suggest changes, …



That’s really cool! Thanks for sharing!

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Today looks great! I already have grafana for teslamate, I’ll have to add this!

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from the installation instructions I am stuck on “Import the project in nodered”

how to import that mentioned project into nodered, I was able to run nodered in docker but have no idea how to import a project, where can I find some easy install instructions?

You have to enable projects in nodered.


I guess you need to fork the github to your own account and link nodered project to your fork.

But likely importing the flow.json as a flow will work as well.

Not an expert…

yes importing the flow is possible, so I didn’t try the project stuff

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I added a mention on the GitHub remote management thread for those who might be interested.