Configuration shared among all users

I’ve installed Duplicati2 as a service, so all users can use it.
However it seems Duplicati keeps its configuration in a user-specific location (maybe C:\Users<user>\AppData\Local\Duplicati\Duplicati-server.sqlite but I didn’t verify this).
Is there a way to tell Duplicati to store its configuration in a shared location (like C:\ProgramData\Duplicati) so that all users (with the password) see and can change the same configuration ?

Welcome to the forum @lbit

Installing Duplicati on Windows has a note “If you want to start the server component another way (i.e. by registering the server component as a Windows service), you have 2 options:” Which if any did you use?

If you’re seeing different users get different Duplicati, possibly you’re not using the service you installed…
Duplicati stopped working after logout has notes on a current forum issue that has two Duplicati running.

Correct, but for a Windows service the user by default is SYSTEM, so data is in C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Duplicati which Windows wipes into Windows.old on the twice-yearly version updates, so inventing a safe location as you proposed is a great way to avoid harm.

Duplicati components would be good background if you’re not already aware of the various components.

Migrating from User to Service install on Windows gets into alternative locations, and also mentions the –portable-mode option which has a hardcoded location in the program’s area to hold the program’s data.

This is how the service should work by default, however the password protection interferes with running Duplicati.GUI.TrayIcon.exe in --no-hosted-server mode (if you need the icon, e.g. for its status icon). That’s a side effect of inability to access the SYSTEM profile, but will probably work if you don’t use that.

thanks for the reply. I had actually missed it and see it only now.

Sorry I don’t remember either the question nor the answer/choice I made.

In fact, you are right that I was not using the service. Service is bound to port 8200 on my pc but when I launch duplicati from icon I get connected to 8300 instead (or other port if 8300 is already in use by other users).
The post Migrating from User to Service install on Windows you linked has all the other answers I was looking for (is ProgramData and appropriate location for the configuration, how to move my current configuration under appdata to the new location, how to get the icon to use the service).

Thanks again