Cannot see full list of backups in backup list

@Foronda76, with the GUI in version 2 you should be able to do a “Direct restore from backup files” as mentioned here, however I’m not sure what the v1 command line options would be beyond possibly using the --restore parameter.

I don’t know if you can restore v1 backups with the v2 GUI but if it IS possible but you want to stick with v1 for your day-to-day use you might consider downloading the Zip file version of from the downloads page and running Duplicati.GUI.TrayIcon.exe --portable-mode to start the app without installing it anywhere.

Once started and the browser interface has opened you should be able to use the Restore GUI menu and Direct restore from backup files guided GUI to try and get your files back (or at least seeing what items are in the backup).

Good luck!
