Backups corrupt. How to repair? How can it happen?

The Backup run often!

Sometimes there was an error but most runs were ok:
Like this one:

Failed to process file => Hash mismatch on file "C:\Users\server\AppData\Local\Temp\dup-a03bebdd-03f0-4da9-b3b1-be88b3cf0954", recorded hash: c7AK4Srd1adnIaW8/TXJqOEOjQQKJoOhv9hxf+CgBC8=, actual hash UiIKGYWhof4Iz+ebk9HW9lGmDT8KVl8e3VzomVlrtV0=

Or this one

Failed to process file => Hash mismatch on file "C:\Users\server\AppData\Local\Temp\dup-98c9c1c5-8d10-49d5-8a70-9fa917959ad4", recorded hash: Z1F1nTtC5vRRJkPeyYjzBwqY2Qbm+KRvS6As430Hk5Q=, actual hash TV2VDMypRsVVp+cP8Ky1NQ7uv498KJE/J43lMsi90qc=

That was the reason why I asked for this hash failures in the Thread. Diffent backtup but the had also this Hash Errors:
Help: Hash mismatch error