So Win7 has ceased to be.
I have installed Linux Mint on a new ssd, and kept my data drive which was E:\. This is now permanently mounted on /mnt/my_data/. I now would like to copy over the Duplicati job.
I exported the job to a JSON file. Did a mass find and replace in a text editor changing E:\\ to /mnt/my_data/ (the backslash is ‘escaped’ with another \ hence why there’s two)
I did the same for \\ to /
- so now E:\some_dir\somefile.txt has become /mnt/my_data/some_dir/somefile.txt
I cleaned up any references to special windows folders e.g. %My_Documents% similarly
I have found the sql lite database and could copy it over.
When I import the new edited JSON file will it play nicely with the .sqlite database, or are original paths saved there too? Are original paths stored on the backup server data?
I could easily get an sqlite tool and run a few queries on the database to change this. Do I need to? I would like to avoid a complete rebuild of my backup set - which is on a NAS drive.
Thanks for your input.