Wasbai connection failing

Hi folks,
I am trying to get duplicati to connect to my wasabi account and failing :frowning:

I have:

  • a bucket called backups-duplicati in the London eu-west-1 region
  • A dedicated duplicati user account with programatic access and the full access policy applied

I try to connect duplicati and get the error: “Failed to connect: The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this endpoint.”

I have tried all the EU endpoints in the list and tried adding manual endpoint using the info here: Service URLs for Wasabi's Storage Regions

Nothing I try works!

Any suggestions?


Hi @jondotnet, welcome to the forum.

This sounds like the regular error you get when using the wrong endpoint.

Are you sure the bucket is in the London region?
If so, you should use s3.eu-west-1.wasabisys.com or s3.eu-west-3.wasabisys.com (depending on the bucket).

It sounds like you already tried that, so maybe try to change the client to Minio, it sometimes works better with non-AWS destinations.

If it still does not work, can you try to post a screenshot of your setup (redact username and password)?

Thanks for the response, as I said I have tried the other endpoints, and their aliases, listed on the wasabi website and none of them seem to work.

I just tried Minio and that gives the error:

Failed to connect: MinIO API responded with message=400 without body resulted in path with less than two components. Status code=BadRequest, response=, content=

This is one of the configs I have been testing. I have several buckets, each named after the region they are in so I can make sure I have the right region whilst trying to get it to work.

I have tried creating buckets in every EU west region and tried every region address, and alias, with each of them and no combination seems to work :frowning:

Update on this, if I use US east it works :person_shrugging:

I have now changed everything to EU-Central-1 and that works too so just seems to eu-west that I cant use.

I am going to leave it in eu-central for now and I have spent far too much time on this :slight_smile:

The issue is with the user interface, it is not very helpful in explaining the setup.
The bucket location is (mostly) only supported by AWS, and only used when creating a bucket.

Since you have already created the bucket, just leave the region field empty.

The field that you must change is the Server one, where you can see it uses the s3.wasabisys.com server, meaning US based.

The server field is what you must set to s3.eu-west-1.wasabisys.com.