Warnings and error messages from backup jobs


Ii am using Duplicati on a Raspberry Pi 4 in combination with rclone to backup some data from my OneDrive to a network share on my NAS device. I have setup two backup jobs for two different top level directories of my OneDrive space, these jobs run on a daily base. Every day I receive a number or warnings (around 35) from each of these jobs, the warning are all similar to this one here:

*** 2021-01-25 18:00:07 +01 - [Warning-Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.FilelistProcessor-MissingRemoteHash]: remote file duplicati-b5385c7c127d74a7a8aa4eba9419b2b37.dblock.zip.aes is listed as Uploaded with size 34930688 but should be 52415917, please verify the sha256 hash “GBbtipmfTYDwOGSb6619Qqdv3xOBgZqAFtkjo6XQnmw=”**

I also get some error messages from time to time like

*** 2021-01-26 06:05:15 +01 - [Error-Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.TestHandler-FailedToProcessFile]: Failed to process file duplicati-b174c8b79ce1d429083887aba55bf0cc8.dblock.zip.aes**

*** 2021-01-22 23:21:06 +01 - [Error-Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.RestoreHandler-PatchingFailed]: Failed to patch with remote file: “duplicati-b85ae24dfa8234f4e8c36d525ee284a45.dblock.zip.aes”, message: File length is invalid**

I was trying to do a full restore of a backup to a local destination which did not generate any error message but I am a bit worried about the reliability of my backups. Does somebody know what may have caused these permanent warnings / errors and how to identify the root cause to solve this?

If that’s CIFS, it’s been proving unreliable. A symptom is Duplicati seeing files truncated to even sizes, e.g. 34930688 is a very even 0x2150000. Are you able to confirm the actual size directly on the NAS, and also perhaps from the Pi in some way other than Duplicati’s view? A test of what Duplicati saw after backup is available (with difficulty, perhaps) at <job> → Show log → Remote and finding/clicking the list after file’s initial creation, which you can probably find from its timestamp. Installing sqlitebrowser to look at the local database is probably a quicker way to search for the first. You just put file name at top of the Data column of the RemoteOperation table, and it will find all the rows. It would be interesting to see if the size changes.