Using recovery tool with missing dlist files

Correct. There are other ways to do that, but the easy one is to just ask for the list folder as
tar -xf %i list/*. Since you used a few technical terms already, I’ll describe it further…
What I referred to non-technically as “directions” identifies blocks by their SHA-256 hash, in
the required order. That’s why the script reads 32 bytes (256 bits) at a time, then gets block.

Very close. Blocks are kept as files in a .zip, but because a file name can’t be raw SHA-256,
Base64 is done first. Duplicates sometimes occur due to reuses, but “unique id” is very close.

How the backup process works
How the restore process works
Database and destination internals (developer level material, if you get super curious about it)

I guess that means TriD couldn’t figure it out. There are other possible ways to look based on format.

is maybe not recognized by TriD. Can you make a new test one to see if TriD can identify it properly?
In a brief web search, I tried to find Illustrator’s format, got general info, but the format seems to vary.
Pdf vs Ai gets deep, however the possibility remains that your file got identified as another extension.

Possibly true, but how do you know for sure? I guess it depends on how hard you want to try to find it.

Regardless, thanks for giving this emergency-use tool a try (and finding a typo – maybe I’ll fix upload).

EDIT: Searching for strings, e.g. with findstr, might be an option, if you know what Illustrator might use.