Using duplicati on a low spec linux box?


I’m planning to install duplicati on a low spec box running debian. It’s a re-purposed qnap nas, 2gb DDR3L-1333 ram, celeron 2ghz quad core cpu, SSD (debian OS) & 4TB HD (data).

Would there be any problems running duplicati in terms of performance or it crashing etc? I would be using it for an encrypted, compressed back up of a few folders of varying sizes (10 - 100gb), to the cloud (backblaze) once a night.

Thanks for any advice

I would suggest you test it. shows Celeron speeds at factor-of-40 range. Generally though, when a forum issue comes in on a NAS, it seems to be an ARM CPU. Some are slow.

If performance is too low, there are a few tunings that might help, e.g. raising blocksize reduces database overhead in tracking blocks. Default is 100 KB – it helps deduplication but makes for lots of block tracking.

I’d be more worried if you wanted to back up 4 TB, but even your intent might benefit from a bit of boosting. Rough rule I’m leaning towards is to keep below 1 million blocks, so 500 GB might have 500 KB blocksize.