Upgrading when pause: Activate failed: Cannot activate update while task is running or scheduled

I had and want to upgrade to x.19. But I waked up my computer a few minutes ago, so Duplicati are sleeping (pause). So I upgrade Duplicati and want to activate but see error: “Activate failed: Cannot activate update while task is running or scheduled”.

But after then I resumed Duplicati. it did some backup jobs and … I can activate again). Duplicati was activated!

I thing better to allow activate in Pause mode (may be if no one jobs started).

After activated GUI.Icon didn’t start. So I obliged to start GUI.Icon again. And now all OK.

I could see that being useful. No need to wait for your scheduled-but-not-yet-running-due-to-server-being-paused backup to finish before you get the update installed.

I don’t think that’s an easy change the way the task queue is currently implemented, however I suspect if this topic gets implemented it should be pretty easy…