Upgrade from beta to canary on CentOS

led me to

Bug 1823142 - rpmlib(PayloadIsZstd) <= 5.4.18-1 is needed


NEW • Distribution Release: CentOS 8.2.2004

What CentOS are you on? If on CentOS 8, maybe that upgrade would solve this without much risk?

As an aside, I don’t know if the change to zstd compression was intentional or an inadvertent change resulting from an updated Fedora (maybe Fedora 31)? Maybe we ought to try to get rpm back to xz?

$ rpm -qp --qf ‘%{PAYLOADCOMPRESSOR}\n’ duplicati-
rpm -qp --qf ‘%{PAYLOADCOMPRESSOR}\n’ duplicati-

Changes/Switch RPMs to zstd compression explains zstd advantages, mainly on decompression I think, however Fedora got ahead of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (and others) for awhile. I’m glad that’s being fixed, however I don’t know what else might bite in Beta if we stay zstd. Canary has a relatively small user base.

More info:

Bug 1715799 - Re-enable zstd compression support in RHEL-8 rpm

[CentOS-devel] CentOS 8 Stream: updated rpm, dnf, and systemd