Updating from experimental to stable beta

Hello all,

I’ve been a long-time duplicati user and I love it. Glad to know that the developers have been working on the 2.0 beta!
I’m currently on the experimental build. I wanted to switch over to the 2.0.2 beta. How can I do this while ensuring I keep all my settings, or will I have to set up duplicati again? Just thought I should ask before I try it.


You can use the built-in updater function. Just go to “Settings” and choose the “beta” channel and save. You can then go to the “About” page and click “Check for Updates”.

Also, since Duplicati stores the configuration etc. outside the installation folder (~/.config/Duplicati or %APPDATA%Duplicati) you can safely uninstall the current version and install the new version.

Also, .73 and the beta are identical except for the version number.

Ah, I see. Thank you!