I have used the version “” probably since its release. The update check has never told me there are any new versions, but I now realize there are.
Can I safely update from that version to the latest version, or is there something I should consider before doing that? And which is the “latest version” that I should install? I’m on Windows 11 and I connect to IDrive e2.
Is it possible that you have set the update check to follow the “Stable” channel? In that case we are still lagging a bit behind on getting an actual stable release out.
It is generally safe to update, and the process is meant to be seamless with no manual steps required. This update is slightly special in that it adds a mandatory API password. If you are not using Duplicati with the TrayIcon launcher, you need to set up a password (if you have not already).
In case you need to downgrade, the process is described here:
No, I meant generally. You have been able to set an API password many versions back, I would think almost back to The updates will continue to use the password if present. Only if there is no password will a random one be generated.
True. @GuruGurra can you try to manually check for an update and see what you get in the logs?
I would always advise stopping Duplicati (or any software) before doing an update. In most cases the updater can work despite a running instance or will attempt to stop it during the update, but a manual shutdown is usually safer.
I think this is what I get in the log when doing a manual check:
13 dec 2024 08:42: Failed to load assembly C:\ProgramData\Duplicati\updates\\Xamarin.Mac.dll, error message: Non-abstract, non-.cctor method in an interface.
{“ClassName”:“System.TypeLoadException”,“Message”:“Non-abstract, non-.cctor method in an interface.”,“Data”:null,“InnerException”:null,“HelpURL”:null,“StackTraceString”:" at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.GetExportedTypes(RuntimeAssembly assembly, ObjectHandleOnStack retTypes)\r\n at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.GetExportedTypes()\r\n at Duplicati.Library.DynamicLoader.DynamicLoader`1.FindInterfaceImplementors(String additionalfolders)",“RemoteStackTraceString”:null,“RemoteStackIndex”:0,“ExceptionMethod”:“8\nGetExportedTypes\nmscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089\nSystem.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly\nVoid GetExportedTypes(System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly, System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ObjectHandleOnStack)”,“HResult”:-2146233054,“Source”:“mscorlib”,“WatsonBuckets”:null,“TypeLoadClassName”:“CallKit.ICXCallObserverDelegate”,“TypeLoadAssemblyName”:“Xamarin.Mac, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065”,“TypeLoadMessageArg”:null,“TypeLoadResourceID”:8208}