Unable to Reset and Start Backup Over Since Upgrade to v2.1.0.2

I have been a long term Duplicati user and have a large (2.5 TB) backup which is sent to three targets: two remote hosts over SSH and a local external HDD. Over the years I’ve had many issues with Duplicati in one way or another, the biggest and most frequent issue being that of corrupted local databases, which easily grow to 2-3 GB in size (even with a large block size). On some occasions I repair the local DB, which does work, but as you can imagine it is slow. Because I have three targets, when I hit issues I generally prefer to reset a backup rather than repair the DB. To do this I will:

  1. Access the backup files and delete all of them.

  2. Use the Duplicati GUI to go to the “Advanced”->“Database” page and choose to “Delete” the database.

  3. Start the backup manually, or wait for it to run automatically, and then Duplicati takes the combination of “no files at target” and “no database” to mean that it should start the backup fresh and off it goes. Great.

Last week I upgraded to v2.1.0.2 from whatever the previous beta version was (am not on canary) and started to run into some issues with one of my targets. Now I suspect that there is a faulty HDD at play, which is why I’m not too worried about the error messages (invalid HMAC, don’t trust content) and am not going to explore that issue at this time. What I want to do is reset the backup, but in the process I have found that the process above no longer works!

This is what I have done:

  1. Delete all of the files at the target.

  2. Delete the local DB.

  3. Try to run the backup. The software reports “No filelists found on the remote destination!” and for some reason still thinks it knows there are 63 versions in the backup. How can that be? The version information is supposed to be in the database, isn’t it?

To try and fix this I have attempted the following, checking the status after each step:

  1. Ensured not only the database file is deleted but any of the backup files.

  2. Restarted Duplicati.

  3. Exported the configuration, deleted the configuration (ensuring the tick boxes for deleting the files and the database are checked), and then imported the configuration fresh.

Yet despite doing all of that the issue persists. After exporting and importing the GUI no longer claims that any versions are available, but still fails to run a backup, reporting “No filelists found on the remote destination”.

Now what I don’t want to do is completely reset the software and lose my other two backups in the process.

I can post log files here but it seems to me that this might be a situation that has simply not come up during testing, especially since few people wish to willingly delete a backup and start over. For those reasons I doubt the log files will be useful, but let me know if you disagree.

For now I have just disabled this backup by turning off the schedule, but it’s annoying to be down a target. In all other regards, and despite the DB corruption issues, this is fantastic software and I am more than willing to persevere. Thank you to all the contributors.

I know you’ve (unfortunately) had a procedure that worked, but I’d like to hear the specifics.

Sounds like direct access outside of Duplicati. I think one time someone wanted an easy way, however this is so dangerous that it would need guarding. Also, it “shouldn’t” be needed a lot.

Yes, and still works fine for me (and I don’t think anyone else has reported), so no help there…

Presumably this has to be direct access.

How? Database screen or direct access? Database screen is probably more likely to aim right.

There’s more than one database. I think Duplicati-server.sqlite holds the home screen statistics.
People backing up the GUI job with Duplicati.CommandLine.exe complain about lack of update.

Import configuration also gets into this:

The option to “Import metadata” will create the new backup configuration and restore the statistics, including backup size, number of versions, etc. from the data in the file. If not checked, these will not be filled, and will be updated when the first backup is executed.

Where? If home screen, that’s explained. If elsewhere, e.g. job log, Restore, etc., very strange.

but above that is a different error if no files at all were found. This says it saw some Duplicati filenames, but no dlist files. Please check Destination files just before and just after the error.

Please also check Settings for Default options that may be adding unexpected extra options.

Is this TrayIcon, a Windows service, or something else? Please check Task Manager as well.
TrayIcon Quit could always vanish before work finished, and 2.1 can be slow even when idle.

You want to be very sure everything’s down and not (for example) still uploading backup files.

Presumably you took default, and didn’t check the Import metadata option for home screen.

Which one did you reset? You also mentioned a faulty HDD somewhere. Are you on that one?

Likely, but since I do lots of support and testing, I do that quite a lot, but to far smaller backups.
I’m certainly not going to advise testing if your other two do this too, but how about a new one?

See if you can get a very simple very small backup to show the problem. If so, check logs for it.
About → Show log → Live → Information is a start, Verbose is higher, and there are higher yet.
You can also set up a log file either for the TrayIcon (or whatever), or as options on the test job.

Might as well look for Job → Show log General and Remote, and About → Show log → Stored, however only the latter will survive the deletion of job database, as job logs are in job database.

ts678 thank you for the questions, I need a little time, but will reply with answers to all of them as soon as I can. Thank you.

This is the major issue to me. Duplicati only relies on the local database, so if you delete that, there is nothing that could make it “invent” 63 files. So somehow there is a database somewhere that has 63 files recorded.

In the UI, can you copy the database path and make sure it is actually deleted when pressing “Delete” ?
Alternative is to edit the path and save the changes, this will make it use the new database name.

My theory (still awaiting confirmation) is they saw home screen say 63 Versions.
That’s in the Duplicati-server.sqlite database, which didn’t get deleted with job DB.
Until I hear otherwise, I’m not worried about the 63. Reading the sequence below:

The run was almost certainly on home screen, so one might guess that the 63 versions was too.

Ok, we will need more information from @sgeklor , but yes, the number displayed is data recorded from the last run. It is not updated if you delete the database (or run other commands), but it has no effect on the actual operation.

The error message “No filelists found on the remote destination” is happening if you attempt to rebuild the database after you have deleted the remote files. It cannot build a database (and does not need to) if there are no filesets (.dlist files) on the remote destination.

Not exactly. As mentioned, a complete remote file deletion hits this earlier error in the checks:

Test result:

This is significant because it seems to be a narrow path that somehow gets other message.

Yes, but this is still only in recreate. The OP mentions it happening during backup?

Yes, good catch. This means that there are at least 1 file in remote storage that is matching the expected filename format, either a .dindex or .dblock. This will then pass the first check but since there are no .dlist files, it gives the “no filesets”.

Backup can get to Repair through --auto-cleanup in job or Settings default options.
Repair can get to Recreate through lack of database, and we heard delete was done.

I set up such a backup of a short file, deleted database and the single dlist, ran again:


About → Show log → Stored

Jan 16, 2025 8:31 AM: Failed while executing Backup "test 1" (id: 3)
Duplicati.Library.Interface.UserInformationException: No filelists found on the remote destination
   at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.RecreateDatabaseHandler.DoRun(LocalDatabase dbparent, Boolean updating, IFilter filter, NumberedFilterFilelistDelegate filelistfilter, BlockVolumePostProcessor blockprocessor)
   at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.RecreateDatabaseHandler.Run(String path, IFilter filter, NumberedFilterFilelistDelegate filelistfilter, BlockVolumePostProcessor blockprocessor)
   at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.RepairHandler.RunRepairLocal(IFilter filter)
   at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.RepairHandler.Run(IFilter filter)
   at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.BackupHandler.PreBackupVerify(String backendurl, Options options, BackupResults result)
   at Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.BackupHandler.RunAsync(String[] sources, IFilter filter)
   at Duplicati.Library.Utility.Utility.Await(Task task)
   at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.<>c__DisplayClass22_0.<Backup>b__0(BackupResults result)
   at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.RunAction[T](T result, String[]& paths, IFilter& filter, Action`1 method)
   at Duplicati.Library.Main.Controller.Backup(String[] inputsources, IFilter filter)
   at Duplicati.Server.Runner.Run(IRunnerData data, Boolean fromQueue)

Job → Show log → Remote

Jan 16, 2025 8:31 AM: list

I have no idea if this fits this case, but above are a couple of ways that one can get clues.