Unable to exclude a subfolder by name

I can’t figure out how to exclude all folders containing a specific string in their name.
I have so folders named “NoBackup” under the main folder that I backup.
It only works if I filter out a specific folder:


But none of these works (got them from the UI)


Even when adding another backslash at the end (as I saw in the forum) it does not help.


These folders never get a red “X” at the top list.
I read allot in the forum, but still can’t find how to filter out all the folders named “NoBackup”?

I’m using Duplicati - under

Did you find anything in the forum stating that anything besides specific paths make the red X?

I neither wrote nor read the GUI code, but I could see clicking things off in the tree would make
red X and also generate a specific exclude, and clicking it back on would remove that exclude.
This sort of editing of filters under GUI control doesn’t make sense for wildcards, as clicking a
red X off off could remove a wildcard filter with far-reaching effects elsewhere in selection tree.

Wildcards and regular expression don’t offer reversible one-to-one mappings like specifics do.

What you can do to see if your filters actually work, even if they don’t show the red X, is to run
The TEST-FILTERS command. If on Windows and you quote a filter ending in \, you need two.
That’s because a singlebackslash-doublequote makes that double quote a literal character…

This pattern would exclude only filenames that contain nobackup, not directories. Try this instead:


Be careful if you are using the beta version of Duplicati. It has a bug in the web UI filter builder. I recommend you use the 3-dot menu and click “Edit as text” so you can enter the filter exactly as above. (Don’t switch back to “Edit as list” as it can foul up the filter.) Click Next a couple times and Save your backup job.

Thanks, This works great + there is a “X” mark on these folders!

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