Unable to connect to letsupload.io via webdav

Hello guys,
I’m trying to establish webdav connection between duplicati and this free cloud provider, unfortunately without success. The only way I was able to connect to the service was via using WinSCP, I can share more details on that, but it’s just simply works, which means, I can create files and fill them with content. I was unable to create folders, this have to be done only through their web interface.

I tried to achieve the same via webdav2 in Linux, unfortunately I’ve just mounted the volume, but I’m unable to create any files/folders. So maybe they use some custom version of webdav protocol, or something with the HTTP headers, I really don’t have a clue.

Duplicati simply returns 401 access forbidden or something like that. Don’t remember very well.
But if you want I can do the tests again, and show you pictures or logs.

Please help me how to resolve that issue.
Thanks in advance.

Someone else asked a similar question in the past - they couldn’t get WebDAV to work with LetsUpload.

Unless you are paying for their ‘premium’ subscription, you don’t want to use this service with Duplicati anyway as they will delete files after so many days of inactivity - a dealbreaker for Duplicati.

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Understood, thanks for the clarifications.

Do I have to deleted the topic?

No you don’t need to delete it…maybe someone figured out how to get WebDAV to work.