Ubuntu: 'Not Found' error on restore

I’m trying to restore the test of my backup that I made and it fails with “Not Found” right when I enter ‘Restore’ (without even trying to do actual restore)
When I check where is the problem while examining requests that are being sent by UI I see 404 error for this get request:

Similar request that was sent right before this one works fine:
So I assume there is an issue with ‘/’ being added there?

I’m accessing duplicati UI from remote address by apache proxy to

So, I figured that I can access duplicati without apache proxy trick and it works fine without it if I just enable remote access and load through http://[mydomain]:8200/
Must be an issue with apache

Thx for this post, I have exactly the same error.
I would prefer to use apache/nginx as front for https, using common port (443).

Did you finally manage to get it work with a proxy in front of duplicati ?

Hi LtSuch, welcome to the forum!

Can you tell if you have this same piece appended to the end of the request that’s not working?

I can’t say I have any more suggestions after that (yet) but confirming this will at least help confirm you are really seeing the same issue.


You need to add this in your apache config :
AllowEncodedSlashes On

And after that it’s ok, everything work fine.