Testing backup configuration and "clean" backups

Welcome to the forum @unplugged216

Using the GUI then doing Export As Command-line is a good way to set up options for CLI automation.
This also gives you the option of using the GUI when you like, e.g. sometimes GUI restore is preferred.
Note that CLI doesn’t directly interconnect with GUI, but sharing the database is enough to do restores.

What Duplicati version is this? From testing, I wonder if you’re trying to put new options into an old one.

Release: (beta) 2021-05-03

S3 and Sharepoint option names on commandline now uses - for consistency (previously used _)

but if that’s the problem, get Release: (beta) 2021-06-17 for an underscore-versus-dash bug fix.

S3 Compatible looks like it’s showing the new dash options without noting pre-2.0.6.x need underscore.

For a CLI backup, you delete the S3 data with some tool, then delete the local database that caches info.
If you did the GUI export, the local DB would be at dbpath. If not, a DB path is made for you and stored in
C:\Users\you\AppData\Local\Duplicati\dbconfig.json (just a text file) based on the destination URL in use.