Test / verify errors - Extra hashses dumped?

When I run test or verify, I’ll get these errors. But list-broken-files or purge-broken-files won’t list any files.

Is this an actual error, or is the test / verification process somehow flawed or am I just misinterpreting the output of the operation? Because to me, it looks kind of bad, but does it really matter at all, is the primary question. And should the errors be suppressed if those aren’t meaningful?

duplicati-i8962a3a0d56249ceb8a8d1bbd2a384cd.dindex.zip.aes: 269 errors
	Extra: +/7gwKby8i+GwvSJjubAAMomiCP4tKNZOhvMjU7qwIU=
	Extra: +1bkv9PBUCAirhJx00KqXtR7FnpbyBozIJZcyVkOIpY=
	Extra: +g5J1SaARQj91cvHoRJiCgSOJMW+bBPf//ZUqGos6y0=
	Extra: +hPEYlnhClh2/PHvbhdBY/KrTktRnrFkUk9B9Jzyktk=
	Extra: +mO+a/ib5Mm6WUdCFg42gn7okEEpKoiMYGhy2oeMlPM=
	Extra: +vg2UjPUE2OUxapXlLvEEQcEHsu/8JlimtgDelxdxvM=
	Extra: +vzvnaqNxMDPr7ZuYlUJJZeIvUSu4D9JghFcSn0wl9w=
	Extra: /RC0pNUwNHFqNUyRk26fiduT5VfHxNGri7HREiBERoQ=
	Extra: /UDoxqoJXvnV3V4StRK6rBoIrrBuE8Wl4LtVSbNE4wM=
	Extra: 0+L93fOmjBOHxojfymCFs0/crByBBLOUblJxB1PvAR4=
	... and 259 more

duplicati-b41848c619fde4ac29cf6db5b013bc1bf.dindex.zip.aes: 2 errors
	Extra: 2oWGXRKDDnqEtNPrHDxPXP4Hcr6DTVp0WRAx5CiW3vY=
	Extra: I2x/y1gJNA6M7jfBQ07J5urSYJ+mDrfXfDVSZB0X7a8=

Both i and b files got similar extra errors.

I have the same problem. How I can fix it?

I found the URL: Verify a specific dblock.zip.aes file - #6 by kenkendk .

So it’s not an error and shouldn’t affect to restore process.

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