Summary for compact would be helpfull

After a compact there is no information what was done!

Something like:

Downloaded x MB
Uploaded x MB
Backup size before
Backup size after

Would be very nice!

Also something like a “Test”. So if I would run with setting of X% => how much Down- and Upload would this cause and what would the saving of space be?

Something like below, from console-log-level=Information?

You’ll probably also get some information you don’t want. There’s no option for summary only.
The logging system changes in and beyond also seem to require choosing some level.

For GUI use, briefer compact summary information is in the job log when applicable. Example:


dry-run is the general test option. The COMPACT command describes the threshold option.

This option can be used to experiment with different settings and observe the outcome without changing actual files.

The amount of old data that a dblock file can contain before it is considered to be replaced.