Settings just gone?

I have had this issue a few times and not sure how to solve it.

However, my UI shows no backup configurations and settings are blank? I should have one backup shown here, which was showing this AM… a reboot of the system does not solve it… I am running Ubuntu.

However, a password is set so something is not working correctly.


do you use the service mode ? systemctl status duplicati → show ‘enabled’. If yes, you have to be careful to not start in client mode - that’s the default effect of using the start icon. If you do that, you have 2 Duplicati instances taking their parameters from 2 different locations, one listening on port 8200 (in this case, it’s the service instance) and another on port 8300. If you see the latter, something I can’t say since you cropped the taskbar in your screenshots, you are running both versions simultaneously (that’s bad).
If you are running in service mode and accessing directly Duplication on port 8200 (my preferred approach) and you get still this problem, you may have modified the Duplicati systemd unit file. In this case please show the file.

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Hi, when accessing 8300, it does not load.
Where do I find the Duplicati systemd unit file

like any other unit file, with

systemctl cat duplicati

and what gives

systemctl status duplicati
# /etc/systemd/system/duplicati.service
Description=Duplicati web-server

ExecStart=/usr/bin/duplicati-server $DAEMON_OPTS

● duplicati.service - Duplicati web-server
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/duplicati.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Thu 2023-11-02 15:17:46 UTC; 2h 35min ago
   Main PID: 509475 (mono)
      Tasks: 17 (limit: 4429)
     Memory: 88.6M
        CPU: 7.944s
     CGroup: /system.slice/duplicati.service
             ├─509475 DuplicatiServer /usr/lib/duplicati/Duplicati.Server.exe --webservice-interface=any --webservice-p>
             └─509480 /usr/bin/mono-sgen /usr/lib/duplicati/Duplicati.Server.exe --webservice-interface=any --webservic>

Nov 02 15:17:46 ubuntu systemd[1]: Started duplicati.service - Duplicati web-server.

Right, you are running as a service and in all probability your databases are in the default location /usr/lib/duplicati/data
check that you have several .sqlite files under this directory (at least 2, Duplicati-server.sqlite and another with a random looking name, that would be your job database)

and check that you don’t have databases under ~/.config/Duplicati (~ == your home directory)


I have CVJZHHNFKT.sqlite Duplicati-server.sqlite control_dir_v2

I have the same in

How do I resolve this?

Duplicati can be run so many ways that it can get confusing. When run as an ordinary user, config is typically in your user home directory. When run as root, same rule applies, except it’s root’s so ~root. Underneath that is .config/Duplicati. There are various options on the server data folder, for example

Activates portable mode where the database is placed below the program executable.

Duplicati needs to store a small database with all settings. Use this option to choose where the settings are stored. This option can also be set with the environment variable DUPLICATI_HOME.

I see a truncated webservice-p on the systemctl status. Is that p for the port or setting password?
I’m also wondering if /usr/lib/duplicati/data idea is from --portable-mode. Check /etc/default/duplicati.


You can also look at About → System info where I think StartedBy will say Tray icon or Server. Duplicati-server.sqlite is where the settings live, and if you get the wrong spot, you get wrong ones.

is possibly said from memory, as the screen shot just above doesn’t show password has been set.
Possibly you are in the wrong Duplicati. About → System info also shows UserName. You or root?

How do you open Duplicati UI? You can’t just start it as you and have it connect to the root server.

Set this option to not spawn a local service, use if the TrayIcon should connect to a running service.

will solve that if you can figure out how to launch TrayIcon that way, if you like Tray Icon interaction.
If you don’t want a Tray Icon, you can just browse or shortcut to server URL at http://localhost:8200.


You can also get a clue about where your databases are on the Database screen. Although it points
to the job database (random-characters), the server database is typically in the same folder unless a
relocation of databases or some other override (GUI database move or dbpath options, for example).

Start by figuring out which Duplicati usage has the settings you like, and which one is undesired one. Rearrange if needed to conveniently use the preferred one and not use the other. May need OS skill.

That’s a nice idea and I thought of it too, but if you get back to the original post, you’ll see a screenshot showing no job hence no database option…

OK, scratch that one then.

I understand that you have databases in both locations. That’s not ideal to say the least.
You need to see what is the currently used database while Duplicati is running, it’s possible using for example the Linux utility ‘fuser’. If you run

fuser Duplicati-server.sqlite

it will display a number (a process ID) if the database is open by Duplicati, and none if it’s not. So assuming that your in use database is under /usr/lib/duplicati/data, and the database holding your job definitions is under ~/.config/Duplicati, you stop first Duplicati:

sudo systemctl stop duplicati

then save the .sqlite files under /usr/lib/duplicati/data (you can never be too sure before deleting something)
then copy the .sqlite files from ~/.config/Duplicati to /usr/lib/duplicati/data
then restart duplicati:

sudo systemctl start duplicati

connect to localhost:8200
you should see your job.
you then have to edit the job to redirect the database path to /usr/lib/duplicati/data (click the job, edit, database, then replace the database location, confirm.
You should be set then.
Test by running a backup.
If all goes well, ensure that you do not start Duplicati using the icon, or better yet, replace the Duplicati icon by a launch of http://localhost:8200.