Hi, i’m new here, and new to Duplicati. My first question is should i open a new thread rather than continue this one? In case the answer is continue this one…
I have spent a few hours scouring Google, this forum, old Google Groups, even the old version’s webpage and trying to get the email notifications to work and i’m now stuck (i had to update mono too). I’m using Linux, Duplicati (via mono Duplicati.Server.exe --webservice-port=8200) and I have successfully performed the ‘test’ supplied by in post 20. And i have also successfully performed this test: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/duplicati/hqH3k2vov3c
Emails received in both instances.
However when i try to do it inside the web interface it just doesn’t do anything (though the backups work fine). I don’t know where to find a log that might give me an error to provide or where to go from here
Here’s the text i’ve been using in the web interface:
I actually had to think a moment about this one because your issue is indeed quite close to the one discussed in the other topic, but since the issue there was actually resolved, I thought it’s better to start a new one, so I moved your post.
As a rule, I’d suggest: if in doubt whether to start a new topic or not, start a new one. In other words: keep topics as ficused as possible.
Another little hint: for posting log files, configuration sertings or console output (or code, for that matter), it’s generally better to either indent each line by four spaces or to put ~~~ before and after the snippet.
SMTPS, huh? That’s a new one on me - glad I read your post!
When you say you’re trying to do “it” inside the web interface, do you mean a test email maybe from the Commandline page or do you mean email notifications for any backup?
As powerful as it is, I sometimes find the Commandline UI a bit difficult to use so you might want to try setting up a small test backup and see if the notifications work as expected as part of the backup. Plus, a mini test backup gives you the opportunity to try running it on the command line with the Export option.
I’ve had to break my posts up due to the new user limitation of 3 links
I’m trying to come to grips with this unique forum’s features. Apologies if i mess it up I’ve listened to the robot, but that only goes so far. It’s really quite a superb piece of software - what is it? Back to it…
Thanks for moving my post.
I looked for the usual “code” box icon but couldn’t find it. I’ll try to remember the “~~~” (i used these a lot back in the Amiga days
I ran the commands via the terminal (Linux), with successful results. At the time, i didn’t realise they were restructures of the same thing as i found them in different places. I did them some time apart in trying to troubleshoot
It ran and got an exception (although return code 0 which seems odd). – see next post for full error via PasteBin link.
Failed to send email: System.IO.IOException: The authentication or decryption has failed.
--> System.IO.IOException: The authentication or decryption has failed.
--> Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.TlsException: Invalid certificate received from server.
=> The authentication or decryption has failed.
This is very interesting, because it’s the error (or very similar) to what i got when my terminal-ran tests didn’t work - before i updated Mono. After i updated Mono, the terminal-ran tests worked (note i did NOT update the certificates - yet it still worked).
So i suppose i’m at the point where i need to update those certificates mentioned in the output. However, this is an area i simply don’t understand (lol - i didn’t understand ANY of this until i just dug in and got busy - i’m not an advanced user). Where are these certificates from? Duplicati? Gmail? Mono Project? I’m happy to update them but i do not know what i’m updating, or from where.
Also, why via the web interface are the certificates an issue - but not via terminal command?
Sorry for the massive post. I hope it’s comprehensive enough
Failed to send email: System.IO.IOException: The authentication or decryption has failed.
→ System.IO.IOException: The authentication or decryption has failed.
→ Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.TlsException: Invalid certificate received from server.
Combined with you running as a service has me wondering if you’re experiencing some Linux flavor of the TLS error mentioned here.
Oh, and I’m not finding it now (and it may not apply) but there are known issues with mono not including “standard” certificate information by default. If you think that might be the case, let me know and I’ll try looking again.
Not a problem, but it looks like you didn’t need any links at all. The problem was that the email-addresses in the configuration you posted were turned into links. That can be avoided by using the code fences (~~~)
Failed to send email: System.IO.IOException: The authentication or decryption has failed.
–> System.IO.IOException: The authentication or decryption has failed.
–> Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.TlsException: Invalid certificate received from server.
I have been using the accept-specified-ssl-hash setting.
Now, from this version Duplicati - and a couple of canary versions back, the web interface messes up the settings. It seems it is swapping around the values in
Web interface accept-specified-ssl-hash shows value from --send-mail-to
Web interface send-mail-to shows value from --send-mail-from
Web interface --send-mail-from shows the value from --accept-specified-ssl-hash
If the software interprets the values like that, then it is no wonder it concludes “Invalid certificate received from server.”
I have not set any --excludes via the option page, so at least the solution does not seem to apply.
I did set one exclude expression via the Sources page though…
If I remove this exclude expression, no change webinterface still "messed up"
If I also remove excludes Hidden System and Temporary files, no change webinterface still “messed up”
(I did save and reopen the backup between each of the tests.)
Hi guys, just checking in to see if there’s anything i can do to help troubleshooting. TBH, i didn’t understand JonMikeIVs link I think it’s beyond my wee brain.
I haven’t updated the certificates - should I? And i have re-checked running the Terminal mono command to send the email and it still works.
I changed the format of the sender (“send-mail-from”) and subject to be something I liked a bit better. <hostname> in the “–send-mail-from” section is the name of the host the backup was run on. Please note that this is not a keyword that is filled in automatically – I manually type out my hostname into that filed.
Hmm, no the parameters are still messed up…
amzcd-consistency-delay often gets messed up and becomes custom even if set to 30 seconds
send-mail-from seems to be messed up with amzcd-consistency-delay and send-mail-to
Something doesnt work in translation from Graphical inteface to text interrface and back…
Let me know how I can supply further information…
Could I try some command line stuff to get more info?
I’ve done some tests and Marc_Aronson’s solution (post 16) seems to work. Tip - remove all the quotes and heed his advice re the , i.e. it doesn’t autofill
Very interestingly, it also worked when i used his settings, but changed:
Which of the two above is “better” and what exactly in my original settings were failing?
On a separate note, i tried using my ISP as the source of the email, and it works with SMTP, but not SMTPS - is this normal for ISP SMTP? Is either of SMTPS or the starttls (gmail) when available are better options than simply SMTP (ISP)?
At this point should i mark the thread as solved (with Marc’s post)? There’s still the question of “wtf”, but it does appear to work. Perhaps i can leave it a few days?
Very interestingly, it also worked when i used his settings, but changed:
This means that you can use port 465 with SSL encryption and port 587 for TLS encryption. I believe that the “smtps://…” prefix forces SSL, which is why it works with port 465.
Both SSL and TLS are methods for encrypting the communication for security.
I believe that TLS is considered more secure than SSL, so if both work, I suggest using TLS (port 587) using the format I provided in my previous post (“smtp://smtp.gmail.com:587/?starttls=when-available”).